Do you need to wear a helmet when jogging in your country?

Do you need to wear a helmet when jogging in your country?

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Other urls found in this thread: brits really ?


Just helmet?
Why not elbow, shin, and knee guards too?

when did aussies get so cucked

>let us know your safe. log your jog online before leaving home.
This is photoshop, right?

why are brits and british adjacent colonies so fucking insane when it comes to rules like this???

oi oi you got a bloody loicence for running right then mate?
by the crown thas a bit rude innit champ?
gonna need yer helm for ye race then righ?

Attached: loicence.jpg (810x1365, 116.51K)


But what if you tripped between the gap in the pavement?
Better safe than sorry, I believe.

>"The signs relating to joggers wearing helmets are not Council signs and are fake. We believe they were put up on Wednesday evening, and our rangers had taken them down by early Thursday morning," a Council spokesperson said.

>A lot of seemingly tongue-in-cheek comments also followed Ms Moylan’s post to Facebook.

>“I think it’s reasonable. Why should you have the right to burden the Medicare system when you trip and get a head injury? This is for the greater good,” one user wrote.

>“I’ll respect their right to jog when they pay footpath tax like the rest of us,” another added.

>While the ‘government website’ that the sign points to does not work, this alone was a possible sign to one Facebook user that joggers not wearing helmets could in fact be fined.

>Americans need helmets to ride a fucking bicycle
>Aussie need helmets to jog
>Brits need licenses to own a TV
anglos are truly retarded



And log your jog.


I've got a helmet for you right here *unzips willard*

you dont understand, you HAVE to ride your bicycle on the road with other cars and drivers here are literally so batshit insane and hopped up on meth they will either not notice you and mow you down in a roundabout or even just send you flying just for the fuck of it
if you're gonna ride a bicycle here you need a helmet and full-body armour

I literally can not imagine living in such a place

why does the idea of making small sacrifices to save lives cause americans to fly into a burning rage?

fake signs are a thing here

prison colony mindset

>save lives

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