Why do redd/int/ors try to deny the fact that a group of wealthy jews in Ukraine are using far right neonazi groups to...

Why do redd/int/ors try to deny the fact that a group of wealthy jews in Ukraine are using far right neonazi groups to exploit slav nationalist sentiments?
Is it because they're secretly nationalists themselves?
Or is it because they're redditors that will deny literally anything as long as it's against Russia? Or is it both?

Attached: russia-ukraine-war.jpg (750x407, 44.33K)

Based Ukraine
Based China
Fuck Russia
Fuck USA

here before 404

>slavic nationalists
name a more iconic trio

>Or is it because they're redditors that will deny literally anything as long as it's against Russia?
Yes. Alot of people don't extensively research information outside of their TV. They don't know what happened prior to these events, not that their stance would change much though.

All actual Nazis everywhere support Wagners. Tucker Carlson, Gab, Stephen Miller etc.

There’s nothing wrong with being Jewish, and the nazi label is meaningless before actual actions and choices. And in this respect Russians are the ones who act worse than animals.

Reading pol collages and watching Russian propaganda is not “research”.

Wrong board you monemental faggot
Entirely predictable

monke needs banan

how much of a leftoid retard do you have to be to unironically call tucker carlson a nazi

>Reading pol collages and watching Russian propaganda is not “research”.
Yes. And? If you imply that I wrote something like this in my post, then I failed to locate it

neither is guzzling American cum, but that hasn't stopped you.

Those far right neonazi groups consist of one battalion of roughly 4000 men you sub iq mongrel, and 99% of ukrainian population stand behind the fighting against russian agression
Gas yourself now before the thread gets 404'd

yeah, for example look at these russian saboteurs disguised as ukrainian soldiers

Attached: 1646810357301.webm (640x1136, 2.95M)

You can't, they're actual brainlets
>Nazis support Tucker
Schizo shit not to mention whataboutism
>nazi label is meaningless before actual actions and choices.
What about crucifying people and burning them alive?

Russian Jews are mad at Ukrainian Jews for wanting to join EU and NATO Jews over 3rd world Russian oligarch Jews. It's not that hard to understand

Attached: 1645784531364.jpg (935x1280, 140.86K)

with aggressive post war recruitment is probably over 10 thousand by now. Why jews are so willing to defend a government that outsources its dirty work to a Nazi group is beyond me.

>Those far right neonazi groups consist of one battalion of roughly 4000 men
And this thread is about them. The people who commit atrocities in the name of nationalism funded by jews like you
>Gas yourself now
That's your specialty

>eastern european country has a neo nazi problem
are mutts seriously surprised about this? this isnt just ukraine the entire region is racist asf including russia

If I was a "leftoid" I would be on the same team as Neo-Nazis. Communism is an ideology of death just like Neo-Nazism. The masks are off now. All Communists and Neo-Nazis cheer when Putlers stromtroopers blow up civilian vehicles. They are animals.

dumb gay finn talking out of his ass as usual

Go jerk off to clips of dead civilians trying to escape

>putin stormtroopers
>im on the same team as the neonazis
You seem severely confused

No it isn't, and even if it werw true that's still a friction of the 44 million ukrainian population, who are so nazi that they democrarically elected a jewish president, which let's be real here is what really bothers you speaking of actual nazis
And why wouldn't i support a country which is being attacked by other country using mudshit mercenaries despite not provoking them at all? That's a no brainer

How about you take your meds