Brazilians call african-americans and asians "gringos" as well

Brazilians call african-americans and asians "gringos" as well.

Attached: a0f.jpg (641x530, 31.26K)

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gringo just means American

gringo means foreigner

I remember hanging out with Brazilians. There was this one guy who always kept lsd on him. We got drunk with friends and he ended up passing out and pissing himself and when he woke up he was freaking the fuck out. The strips dissolved his pocket and got absorbed through his skin. Shit was crazy

In Brazil it means any foreigner

>The word "gringo" as a term for someone foreign to Latin America did not originate during the Mexican–American War (1846–48), the Venezuelan War of Independence (1811–23), the Mexican Revolution (1910–20), or from the American Old West (c.1865–99) as a corruption of the English lyrics "green grow" in either "Green Grow the Lilacs" (Irish folk song) or "Green Grow the Rushes, O" (English folk song), as sung by US soldiers or cowboys;[56] nor did it originate during any of these times as a corruption of "Green, go home!", falsely said to have been shouted at green-clad American troops.[citation needed] The word originally simply meant 'foreigner', and is probably a corruption of the Spanish word griego for 'Greek' (along the lines of the idiom "It's Greek to me").

yeah but of very light features no?, at least in my city is like that

Eu sou gringo?


>citation needed
makes you think

We should ditch that word completely
When I see someone unironically using this world I instantly know he's a low class pleb


This, normal people use yanki.


Retardado detectado
Gringo here isnt a synonym to americans specifically

for americans i use: gordo filho da puta, pegue cancer e morra


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African Americans are literally just Americans. The only thing African about African Americans is the Call and Reponse, Griot and other West African influences they introduced to the music in the new world. Other than that African Americans are just Black Anglos

não :)

The problem is that without leaving the room you won't see anyone speaking gringo.

Mexican girls really angry to be called gringas in Brazil

Vão usar sim, ele é gringo português. Provavelmente algo assim.

Attached: gringo.png (800x536, 879.02K)

>calling mexicans "gringos"

In stricto sensu it means foreigner, but the gringo steriotype would be someone nordid looking

yeah because it doesnt mean the same, its like if there was a word that meant in your country your worst enemy but you go to another one and they use it casually for whatever to adress you, of course you know thats not what they meant but it still makes you uncomfortable.

Porque a gente usa literalmente como estrangeiro, alguém de fora. Até quando tem algo importado tem gente que fala " Isso veio da gringa".

>white foreigner

it's that easy