Why do Finns bang their radiators?

Why do Finns bang their radiators?

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Your mother was busy

to annoy neighbors

Why don't you?

I was bullied as child

They have sex with their radiators?
I guess that's why they're so hot.

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Bang radiators? Eh, what is this?
t. not knower

Literally laughed out loud

you bang it with your foot

fucking peat-gavel

Danish jokes are weird

small balls

holy shit kek

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Why do hegheg eat cat foods?

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underrated and cute

it's not a joke
I'm serious

why do you have small testicles

He's obviously half Finnish.

I know it's cute that the hedgehogs eat leftover catfood but my vet said you're not supposed to give it to them.. it's too fattening for them. I have them too in my garden and I love them, it hurts to take away the food but they shouldn't be eating it.

I understood this as OPs mom was bussy .. puts you to think ..

You guys are fucking stupid

And you arent fucking at all