This is how Europe should have stayed, everything after that was a disgrace

This is how Europe should have stayed, everything after that was a disgrace.

Attached: sirg.jpg (1020x600, 88.49K)

cringe desu

I agree, Poland should be small

gigabased post, op but fuck venice

Silence russian rapebaby.

What's bad about venice?


South America should've stayed an unga bunga birdgod sacrifice thousands for better potato harvest shithole

>tfw ywn have a border with Hungary again
what an awful timeline to be born in


there's no Polan on map though

The holy “”””Roman”””” empire was cringe, gay and Jewish. The last time Europe was great was under the Romans, everything after is trash until the sadly frustrated attempt of Germany in 1939 and turned to trash again afterwards.

>Your country is literally named after spice kek
>Chile derive its name from a Native American word meaning either 'ends of the earth' or 'sea gulls';[22] from the Mapuche word chilli, which may mean 'where the land ends'"[23] or from the Quechua chiri, 'cold',[24] or tchili, meaning either 'snow'[24][25] or "the deepest point of the Earth".[26] Another origin attributed to chilli is the onomatopoeic cheele-cheele—the Mapuche imitation of the warble of a bird locally known as trile.[23][27]

Polish education everyone, no wonder they suck american cock so much, they're just like them!

>What's bad about venice?
bunch of kikey slave traders fueling wars for profit
they were like perfidious albion if perfidious albion was attached to the continent

>or tchili, meaning either 'snow'[24][25]
umm sweetie don't you know we use snow to spice up our food? So you are named after a spice. Chilean education, everyone.

who cares about latam
didn't even read that

>What's bad about venice?
do you even know anything about europe?

>no switzerland
total improvement

Go back to seethe abour russia, you cannot even make quality shitposts. Get some education polcuck.

>mentioned russia 2 times
whats your problem honey

based desu

Over my dead body.