Finally might get a chance to escape this shithole and move to Europe

>finally might get a chance to escape this shithole and move to Europe
>it all goes to shit
Does this happen in your country?

Attached: Europe Gas Price.png (404x325, 9.68K)

improve your country then

carlets absolutely seething rn

Attached: 189579815.jpg (250x203, 15.71K)

>escape this shithole and move to Europe
look at the map europe is just many small countries without resources that all hate eachother. Europe = war and war = europe.

banan = banan

I was under the impression all iranians love iran.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-08 at 02-35-38 yrwxwr7dx3l81 png (PNG Image, 1156 × 902 pixels).png (1156x902, 1.45M)

easier said than done

We're finally winning poorbros!

It will be fine again in a few months.

amount of cope lol

Don't see how. This Russia mess isn't going to be fixed for many years and Europe has no viable alternatives for gas.

It's amazing how the US always manages to fuck shit up in Europe and then just lies back and watches the shitshow from far away.

We have a buttload of LNG terminals (like 1/3 of all the ones in the EU+UK) and direct pipes to Africa, but not many that connect to the rest of Europe from here because the EU shut down the projects. So for *us* at least, it will be fine.

This. I get that shit now and then too but fuck that. I'm leaving as soon as possible.

What's wrong with Sweden? You literally cannot suffer there. Don't say immigrants because you can avoid them very easily by staying out of certain areas.

We all love each other and have constant gaysex except for Britain who's taking a pause to questione her relationship and Russia that got the Putin and is quarantined until she has recovered.

Iran has one of the highest rates of brain drain

It’s literally just you now

What's right with Sweden?

Beautiful country, beautiful women, strong economy with high paying jobs...


How am I wrong?

Guessing the problems are similar to the ones here
>Beautiful country
Gets old after living there for your entire life.
>beautiful women
For chad only, it's like being in a candy shop where you're not allowed to taste anything.
>strong economy with high paying jobs
Only for successful/gifted people/people with connections. On top of that you get government regulations out the ass, the lack of which is one of the few good things about living in a poor country. If you're rich and attractive living here is probably great, but if you're not it's worse than living in a shithole.

So this is the power of Russian intellectualism...

Attached: 156305717868.png (621x702, 56.27K)