He uses his languages word order with English words and sounds like a jackass

>he uses his languages word order with English words and sounds like a jackass

Attached: lmao.png (1920x1080, 3.07M)

Yes, and?

Yes and then?

Your flag looks like a candy bar half out of the wrapper

t. English native speaker

quintessential american post

Fuck off Danny Gonzalez

you are retard, go in my dick

Good observation I guess

ياريت ما احب اتكلم عربي

What talking you about? Blow it out of the ass.

so you can understand me, yes?

It's the same in English
If you work in a kitchen, a significant proportion of the language you use for ingredients and techniques will be French

If I did that, you wouldn't understand me at all because we have free word order

I do not see of what you are talking.

Example? How would you say "There was a loud noise nearby"

Fəjst je počvə udzunej.
Počvəj fəjst udzunej.
Udzunejj fəjst počvə.
Počvəj udzunej fəjst.
Udzunejj počvə fəjst.
Fəjst je udzunej počvə.

Oh yeah, you wrote nearby, I just wrote outside


ESLs shall inherit the Earth

Nearby noise get him Conrad Ivan, sound happened.

I don't think he's talking about that. He's referring to syntax errors when typing in english.
Just like for example the way I've arranged this sentence here.

>so you can understand me, yes?

A part of me dies every time you ignore English articles in your posts.

Based SlavChad