The current events really made me want to learn russian

the current events really made me want to learn russian

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You're more likely to die in a nuclear blast than see a Russian soldier.

then do it, 'wanting' to learn a language is not newsworthy

Hy yчи, в чeм пpoблeмa?


shouldnt you be flattered that someone is trying to learn your mother tongue ?

I am learning farsi. Russian, georgian, turkish are next in line :)

i literally don't care. now go back

Current events strengthened my resolve to learn Chinese.

Current events makes me want to get it over it.
Media trying to scare us about a nuclear apocalypse. Im waiting and I dont see any mushroom clouds. Stop teasing and do it already if you're ever going to.

We call you hairy/furry people

This but with ukrainian because russians are crimge

Ukrainians mostly speak Russian.

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Not bad, but you probably want to work on your 我, you will be writing that a lot + Russia is 俄

Will do, thanks!

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Current events strengthened my resolve to learn belarusian and estonian to repent for my nation's sins. (I won't learn ukrainian)
t. russian

For how long have you been learning Chinese?

Ive been trough conscription and will be joining national guard and get a javelin to hide under my mattress

the whole country must be nervous

Since January, in a group of 2. But the teacher was dumb (she made rookie mistakes, e.g. taught us the wrong order of characters in 老师 "teacher", and was making ridiculous excuses) so I dropped her. I planned to find a native tutor on italki but this shitstorm occurred, so I'm wary to spend money on this at least for now.

B цeлoм, нacкoлькo тpyднo выyчить Китaйcкий? Быть мoжeт, плaниpyeшь пepeкaтывaтьcя?

Not nervous, just getting prepared