Do they have an accent?

Do they have an accent?

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yes but due to hollywood it's sort of become the defacto U.S accent

who gives a shit, just launch the missiles.

Not really, the different regions of the US still talk like they have for the last century. It's just the californian accents is all you hear on tv unless you're watching something like the Sopranos.

Everyone has an accent

Yes but thanks to our showbiz taking over the world, Californian is the default accent for ESL people. I have met Northern Euros in LA (first time visiting) and they sound like locals.

by defacto I meant it's the one most known globally/by the media/typically associated with Americans not that it's replaced accents of other regions.

I think Rednecks are butthurt because they are never portrayed in the media. You have a guy with a Mexican accent in the Star Wars world, but no Bubba from Arkansas.

did you just start watching movies when the new Star Wars came out? there have probably been more than a million redneck characters throughout American cinema history.

>I think Rednecks are butthurt because they are never portrayed in the media. You have a guy with a Mexican accent in the Star Wars world, but no Bubba from Arkansas.

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Where are the Redneck on TV shows or commercials?

commercials? who gives a fuck about commercials? what a strange thing to say. anyway, pic related, one of the most iconic scenes in cinema history.

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car commercials


дa, тoвapищ

maybe if you're an inbred hick, it is.

what kind of brainlet watches films from a personal race perspective? i'm from New York and Deliverance is easily one of my all-time favorites.

according to you, dingbat. general consensus' can say otherwise.

Whenever I travel people tell me i sound like I'm from the movies

well yeah i know that most people are fucking retards, but i didn't think they took their personal, real life grudges into the movie theater. that's next level stupidity, can't even really describe that level of stupidity with words that currently exist.