
Eagrán BBC

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Creampie is my favourite dessert

It's my wife's too

Does your wife like the BBC?


Supporting trans rights is like having big boobs - pointless if you don't make sure everyone knows about it!

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I feel like there is a coffee ring or some spilt baked beans in your brain that causes you to be like this or something.

Checked, he'd wanna cop on a small bit

I'd be very concerned for someone that seems to has an endless supply of

>Naked white man standing next to eastern Asian women
>Naked white women standing next to black men

Larp or not, this person is definitely mentally unwell

Tbh I think it's a really good meme

Haha guys, we are such Le epic good guys taking in refugees without checking them, free medial card too and no visa needed those le heckin Brits only did the 50 so far have the cheek to make sure that they are legit, terrible.

Are we really gonna take in 100000 Ukrainians?

I don't mind taking in Ukraine refugees. The 80k proposed is a bit much, but hopefully we'll put a stop then to further immigrants and we are literally already full at it is and now we're taking in 80k plus and but they looks of it, instantly giving them pps numbers.

However, are approach is just asking for trouble. Are being way too relaxed out of compassion and lots of "Ukrainians" will turn up and get housed. The British are right as well that's it's a security risk for drug trafficking to the UK and here. Criminals are not going to miss the opportunity to take advantage. It's too easy

We should take in 1000 Ukrainians and leave it at that. We must look after our own.


Atleast your posting women

They can only play the famine card so many times before it becomes a piss take.


>government continues to endeavour to make the housing crisis exponentially worse each day to line their greedy landlord pockets with the suffering of others while retards applaud them for being "brave and progressive"
>tfw stuck in this shithole for at least a few more years
What are the chances I'll be able to leave before the inevitable riots begin?

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Thinking of becoming a greedy landlord lads

Thinking of going to Centra each day and buying all the chicken fillet rolls and then selling them outside for double