The wife of a 40-year-old man who lives in our village is a Russian woman and is 28 years old, the same age as me...

The wife of a 40-year-old man who lives in our village is a Russian woman and is 28 years old, the same age as me. She said war broke out because of ukraine today

Attached: 고민.png (371x305, 32.41K)

So she says that it is Ukraine fault for being invaded and bombed after months of diplomacy talks asking for a peaceful resolution, but defending their sovereignty?


She is right. Hohols played stupid games and won stupid prizes.

Real question though, why don't the Ukrainians just...surrender?

No, she doesn't know much about politics

The full sentence that told me was this

>“Our country is now in danger because of Ukraine. It must be resolved quickly.”

I didn't ask her any more.

dont tell her about the US funded biolabs there and about the NATO puppet asking for NATO military bases there
she may invade ukraine by her own

You do not have pride? It is their country, their land and people, and it is being taken by a dictatorship. It is only fair that they want to fight and give their lives even against the odds, that's actually honorable. In a peaceful nation it must sound silly to die for your country, but in an actual war, this can give a new meaning to the lives of some people.

Also, that's what Russia wants, it has been almost two weeks, they thought that Ukraine would not resist or fightback the way it has. This is taking a huge tool on Russia. Even if they capture Kiev and kill/arrest the president, there will be big civil unrest, conflict and a divided country. Holding Ukraine will be much harder than capturing it (if they can, they still did not yet).

Russia isn't going to annex Ukraine you colossal retard

Triggered the communist.

Because the ukraine would attack russia with nato support.

Kill yourself, Putin's whore.

What is a Russian woman doing in your village?

you are a squid

She is kinda right THOUGH

Seriously, what did they play? Living near Russia?

is she hot

nato can't operate offensively like that

A 40 year old man, pay attention.

hysterical natophobe, its just a special military organization

That's what our propaganda claims.