If you eat tacos you are American, if you eat kebab you are European. This why Japan is European and Korea American

If you eat tacos you are American, if you eat kebab you are European. This why Japan is European and Korea American.

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Neither of those are kebabs.

>döner with beer
is it any good?

I imagine it must be like tacos and beer, so it's great

vgh tacos and beer...
mexibros why can't we hang out?

i prefer tacos because here japanese make them
kebab are only done by rude turks

they are not kebabs
the makers are not turks

If you can eat kebab standing that is not a kebab. What you are eating is a form of doner made by kurds who make up the majority of the turkey passport workers in japan.

i don't eat either.

t. Pvt. Gomez

a real Pvt Gomez would probably hate japanese tacos kek. you are not very bright

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do not call turks rude
they are your blood brothers and jomon blood flows through you both

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excuse me it's called yiros/gyros

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>american talking about blood

there is no greater feeling in this world than VGGGHHHing on another ethnic group's behalf

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but turkish ice cream is based

I don’t knownit

Americans actually eat both. We just call doners gyros because Greeks brought them here instead of T*rks

You lock people into cages

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including children

but Japanese eat a lot of tako :DDD

>Take out OK!
Is this not normally a thing?

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Your country genocided multiple ethnicities which one is worse?

Yours since we stopped did it in 1910s yet you are doing it in 2022.

Oh shit really? Fucking where do I sign up to participate?
