Why do globohomos freak out whenever someone shows even the slightest bit of pride in their nation?

Why do globohomos freak out whenever someone shows even the slightest bit of pride in their nation?

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Just first worlders
I can show all the pride I want and nobody gives a shit

something about hitler nazis yadda yadda

Good point. Nobody cares if you're proud of living in a shithole country but everyone freaks out if you're proud of living in a nice country.

Only that one country is allowed to be nationalistic

Cause last time everyone died

Which one?

That sounds awesome.

>why do people that want a globally homogeneous society and culture react strongly to displays of nationalism from a former Axis member
gee really tough nut to crack there, private.

because you're confusing pride with jingoism

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Nationalism is only good when it keeps large empires in check.
Otherwise it always has the risk of spiraling into militarism, and outward aggression.

No at all. I'm talking about stuff like Shina Ringo being attacked over a song that was used as a soccer anthem because it contained the words "hooray, hooray, nippon hooray"

Well most people don’t like it when many people die. Hate to break it to you but referring to generally undesirable outcomes as sovl doesn’t convince people IRL.

Because they are against nations.

That's actually a great point. Leave it to Netherlands and Brazil to be the brains in this thread.

Lol Japanese fascism is white washed everyway thanks to the tranny anime cartoons

Japan needs de nazification by based Xi

this thread isn't about fascism, it's about nationalism. You just call it fascism because you're jealous since your country has nothing to be proud of.

Shut up fascist nip It seems you might need to be nuked again

>nuked again
I'm white, and my ancestors fought against Japan.

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It is common knowledge that swarming makes lower-animals comfy.

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I wish I could do this