In Latin America people that look like this are hated and looked down on

In Latin America people that look like this are hated and looked down on

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Ive always find native americans or even mestizos really good looking people

Depends on the country. That does not happen in Bolivia or Paraguay where the Amerindian idiosyncrasy is promoted.

i don't think so

Indio barely looke lik humans
They ar too short

Found* sorry

Ok I forgive you

BASED. They should conquer Mexico

Latin America is mostly lightskinned rapebabies who think they’re white and palefaced injuns who also think they’re white. All they have to do is remind them of the fact their great great grandmother took it up the ass and that’s why they came out with lighter/white skin.

cherry pickin'.

you're dead wrong lel

lmao, the ones you see online are not representative of the real ones the same people that look like that

With what fucking army you retarded leftypol tranny?

As opposed to some monkey living in an irrelevant backwater SEA shithole?

Because they're retarded


Attached: shuar ecuador peru natives2.jpg (236x440, 22.95K)

I look like that when i hrow my hair though

reject edgar cut, retvrn to tradition indio man

Based and nattypilled

My ancestors :)

if only they looked like that though, that's actually the most handsome native american I've seen

hit a nerve did it?

Imagine thinking your superior to someone who looks like this

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