Why are Ukrainians hailed as heroes for defending their homelands from foreign invaders, but when Muslims do the same...

Why are Ukrainians hailed as heroes for defending their homelands from foreign invaders, but when Muslims do the same, they're called terrorists?

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when ukranians start suicide bombings and hostage taking you can post this thread again

Because the Taliban wanted to establish a theocracy, and the retard media always associate that with terrorism.

I think 9/11 kind of soured us on Islamist suicide bombers for a while.

Ah yes, the democratic, liberal, peace-loving al-Qaeda militants. I forgot about them.

The Mujahedeen were really, really popular in the US in the 1980s. I think it's more of an attitude like "RUSSIA BAD."

Free Palestine.

It depends on the nationality of the invader.

>Pakistan armed and supported the Taliban so that they could laugh at us when we finally have up
>Taliban is now attacking Pakistan again and they're extremely butthurt about it

What is it with thirdies? Why are they like this?

Look who is funding the Afghan government.
Payback is a bitch hehe

Go back to baiting on /pol /

Muslims attacked first and constantly bomb both the west and their own people

It's not Muslims, it's radical islamists who want to take control of the country. Like ISIS doesn't represent Iraq or Syria. Taliban isn't Afghanistan


I'm not using whataboutisms abdul

B-but Putin claims Ukraine uses "Jihad mobiles" (not a joke. He said that)!!!

>al quaeda and taliban
Literally proving OP correct. Westerners are dumbass subhumans who use the existence of two inconsequential microgroups to then paint the entirety of the muslim world resisting their imperialism as "terrorists". Pure propaganda, brainwashed nonsense

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I'm pretty sure the West supported Muslim Bosnians, Albanians, and Kosovo-Albanians and hailed them as heroes.

things changed after 9/11

Yeah they were heroes. That's what some Serbs are angry. We bombed Christians to stop a Muslim genocide.

excellent bait

Because we live in America's world. Who can arrest war criminal ex American presidents? You don't need to be educated to know USA is cancer of the world