Brazil died in 2013

Brazil died in 2013

RIP Brazil

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Good night sweet prince

Let's drink to our revival soon.
Cheers, Any Forumsbros!

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RIP Brazil *crying* you-wi-will be missed *crying* NOOOO brazil

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Goodbye my lover
Goodbye my friend
You have been the one
You have been the one for me

Rejoice comrade for you and I will soon be living in the New Soviet Union.

when Brazil rises like a phoenix from the ashes please don't forget your irmaos who believed in you in Europe

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Lula will sign his ex nemsis and pro liberalism free market alckimin as vice president

Vai, minha tristeza
E diz a ele que sem ele não pode ser
Diz-lhe numa prece
Que ele regresse
Porque eu não posso mais sofrer
Chega de saudade
A realidade é que sem ele não há paz
Não há beleza
É só tristeza e a melancolia
Que não sai de mim, não sai de mim, não sai

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When is your next election and how are things looking for candidates. If I recall correctly you had two scandals that looked very much like what happened in Italy during Mani Pulite

Bolsonaro will win
Lulafags will kill themselves

Irrelevant, politicians are whores. A hooker doesn't love you just because she fucked you.

Our elections are in october and the results always come out in the same day that we vote.
Retards like this will cry a lot

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Why is he not leaving his house?

Not clicking your pathetic propaganda, bolsogado

muito triste
eu amo o Brasil

Answer me then

Rest in sopa

We will rise again with our communist revolution!

The whole world died in 2012
Then was reborn

>literally posting election polls funded by banks confirmed to be involved in Lula's corruption scheme
Remember that the polls said that Bolsonaro would lose to ALL the other candidates and here we are

Top kek
Bolsogado spamming fakenews as usual