Words cant describe how much I hate anglos

Words cant describe how much I hate anglos.

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Numbers cannot either ?
Like, on a scale of 0 to 100 ?


Anglo haters are the smartest of the bunch. We must organise so we may destroy the waspy little menace.

why you hate womens

i'm in

suck it you worthless non anglos
you are nothing but a barbarian hating your patrician superiors

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ily too

1066 best year of my life.

I resonate with this


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How come he is so based despite his cringe brother (RIP)?

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I hate Western cocksuckers

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Success breeds jealousy I guess.

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Have fun being replaced by pakis, you subversive fucks

I wouldn't be able to distinguish a Paki and a Costa Rican

The most cucked anglo nation, people talk shit about bongs for not being allowed to buy butter knifes but you country is currently the most dystopian shithole in the entire world
Have fun being replaced by the chinese hoards

I literally couldn't point your country out on a map, sorry.