Be Napoleon

>be Napoleon
>kill 6 million Europeans by your own hand
>inspire Hegel and Marx, killing 100 million people
>inspire Mussolini and Hitler, killing 20 million people
>inspire Zionism, killing 10 million people
>spread liberalism, genociding 8 billion people (culturally)
When will France pay reparations?

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he wrote some laws so it's ok that he killed millions


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TIL Napoleon is Italian just like me

anglos only spread venom on thois guy beause he freed europe from royal family leeches

he became a monarch himself and put his relatives on the throne in his puppet states

Fuck off anglo VIVE L'EMPEREUR

sorry losers don't get to write history

>kill 6 million Europeans by your own hand

Antifrench coalitions declared wars on him dozens of time. The only time he started a war was in the 1812 invasion of Russia.

democrazy is worse than royalism

Who started the first coalition war? France did. Just because Napoleon took over later doesn't mean it wasn't an unjust war of aggression. Napoleon became the aggressor the minute he joined the French revolution.

>kill 6 million Europeans by your own hand

burger education
These wars had already started before Napoleon came into power. He started as a junior officer in them. He rose to general due to merit, fighting the English at Toulon for instance.

The French revolution prompted the other countries (kings, emperors and dukes) to unite and crush it (they didn't want their own oppressed subjects to get ideas from that).
During those wars, Napoleon rose to prominence.

>kill Europeans
And that was a good thing.
>losers don't get to write history
>has an entire era named after him
>his legacy is still celebrated and regarded on par with Alexander, Hannibal, and Caesar
Even in defeat he won.
We just can't keep winning Napoleonchads.

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>Who started the first coalition war?
Prussia and Austria for threatening to occupy the entire France and killing every revolutionary because they held Louis XVI prisoner.

As a non-Western it was quite amusing to learn from texts prior to the great wars of the 20th century that Napoleon was the Hitler of that time. I reaffirm my contempt for the Anglo-Saxon

>his legacy is still celebrated
To who? Even to half of the French he's seen as a tyrant.

see Napoleon shares culpability because he fought on the side of the aggressor. If he had joined the Coalition, he would have been absolved of responsibility. But he didn't, he fought for a tyrannical regime and confirmed its ruthless expansion for his whole career.

Men are not puppets. Hitler, Marx and all the people you quoted are responsible of their own actions, trying to pretend they dindu nuffin and they were all raised by a big bad person is just a coward's excuse.

>As a non-Western
fuck off mate

>Even to half of the French he's seen as a tyrant.
Do people really believe that

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>i can prepare and plan for war against you but if you chose to attack first before i have finished preparing, you are the aggressor
That's a very idiotic take

Anyone living under the influence of Napoleonic Code.
Or perhaps being among figures such as Jesus to have many books written about him.
>half of the French
Jac*bines and niggers aren't important.

>kill 6 million Europeans by your own hand
When did he eat and sleep? Napoleon ruled France for 10 years which equals to 5259487 if you divide it by 6000000 you get 0.8 which translates to 48seconnd. Meaning he would need too kill a person every 48 seconds of every moment of his rule. Pretty unlikely as he like to give long speeches.

>Even to half of the French he's seen as a tyrant

And, read a real book about Napoleon to educate yourself. This is burger tier.

If you don't speak French, there's an English one by Andrew Roberts, both short and well informed.

False, Prussia and Austria didn't declare war. That was France, who declared war, invaded Belgium, killed their king, and plunged Europe into war for the next 23 years.

>a tyrannical regime
the French republic?

>that quote
Holy based! Mon Empereur, j'kneel...

You can be the aggressor without declaring war by simply putting your enemy in a position where they have no choice but to attack you if they want to survive. France did well not to wait until its fully prepared enemies marched upon its territory before fighting, only a fool would have let them.

>Threaten to invade a country
>Threaten to kill every revolutionary
>Threaten to occupy Paris
>Threaten to return the king to the throne
>Get your ass embarrassingly beaten
>Start six other wars because you're assblasted about getting raped by a bunch of poorly trained revolutionaries
Stop trolling.

A pro-Nappy Spaniard is the ultimate cuck

In a final analysis, he was a cool guy

They weren't planning for war against France. They were trying to reinstate Louis XVI, who everyone agreed was the rightful French government except a group of people who literally called themselves terrorists. We rightfully don't recognize ISIS as a state, either.

>Even to half of the French he's seen as a tyrant.
hahaha simply gold mate
What the fuck are you even on about?
Anyone who accuses Napoleon of being an evil character is ridiculed and ignore, they are anglicized and americanized to the brim.
Napoleon is loved by pretty much everyone

Dial 8

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Not many Frenchmen that's for sure.
Get fucked retard.

>We rightfully don't recognize ISIS as a state, either.
But we do recognize the US as a state so i'm not sure what your point is? Goatfuckers behead people therefore Prussia and Austria were right to plan to bring war to France, against its government at the time?
The fact that you don't recognize said governement as legitimate changes strictly nothing of the argument : If you don't want to enemy to declare war on you, don't make it obvious you're amassing an army against them. You're forcing their hand.