I suffer in a first world country

>i suffer in a first world country

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You can only pull that shit off in the USA.
Land of dreams.

plot twist: its in rubles

more like land of retards. For some reason their tech market has constant labor shortages but no one gets a tech degree... only asian people in america very curious

Probably because just like over here white people are too busy studying sociology and psychology while other non-whites are working in their parents kebab shop

It's so fucking easy if you are usa citizen and in tech. Literally just have to attend an interview and learn algos. My cousin is an American and he got a 120k job out of his bachelors meanwhile I gave around 200 interviews to get a full time job for 100k after my masters... We were from the same uni.

It's because actual coding jobs here don't pay that well, the real money comes from being in charge of coders in which case you're better off with a business or economics degree.

My software engg masters class was all Indians, Chinese and some Africans. No East Euros either.

waarom praat je engels tegen me kanker mongool

getting a tech degree is for morons. you're burning tens of thousands of dollars for nothing.

i really really really fucking wish i didn't find coding so boring
i can sit and practice guitar or learn a new language for hours but every time i've ever tried to teach myself coding i get so absolutely overwhelmingly bored that i want to kill myself right then and there

Zodat de rest mee kan lezen kk sulletje

Unironically you have to be severely autistic to enjoy coding. I took a few classes in college and it made me want to blow my brains out

>80k-100k guaranteed for citizens with bachelors after graduating from fucking San Jose State University
>Not real money
You truly cannot suffer in USA. If you do its your own incompetence.

so 90% of indians are autistic?

Desperate rather. Don't have the charisma for management so end up in autistic stem degrees.

i don't think desperation would be enough for me to overcome the gargantuan tedium of coding

how can you boss people when you dont even understand what they do? what value do business/economics degree bring when all they can do is highschool math and babysit excel file?

money comes from practical problem solving aka engineering skill, all these other side degrees are for people who struggle with highschool math

Unless you are some coding savant or it's your dad's company, you won't even be allowed to interviews without a bachelors

coding is fun as fuck once you don't have to pay much attention to syntax

When you live in a single bedroom apartment where you have to sleep next to your snoring dad because there isn't enough space for everyone and McDonald's is a super luxury you won't know desperation.

No. Mostly they're just in it for money + visa.
They all want to be project managers and get out of coding asap.

A random code monkey isn't making anywhere near $100k. It's not the '90s anymore.

Literally true in america

Have a friend who did this. You just fake your cv

You don't need to know the minutiae of engineering/tech to know how to allocate resources to maximize profit, which is what most managers do. Not to mention that high-level decision making in corporations requires significant interpersonal/negotiation skill.


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Yes they are mate. Even QA codemonkeys (ie scripting monkeys) get paid 100k in america

In britain codemonkeys only make 100k us after about 5-10 years

Fuck off. I have a bachelors in CS, know a ton of languages (Python, C++, Java, Ruby, Fortran) and I still cannot find a job making more than $80k. These high salaries are only in a few select companies, and you basically have to be know someone or be insanely good (like in the top 1% of engineers in the USA) to get in.

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>Just kidding, it took 3 years of hard work and a grueling job search. I reached the final interview at 8 companies and was rejected from every single one of them. But guess what, I never gave up. Now I have a stable 6 figure salary and work from home at an insanely cool company.

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explain these buzzwords for me, i never quite understood them
lets say i need the software, why do i want to give my money to the econ degree instead of a coder?

coding is like learning a new language though?

The USA only has high salaries in tech and healthcare. Every other industry pays shit. I am a criminal lawyer (prosecutor) and only make 55k a year, despite working 60+ hours a week.

Move out of Alabama and to a real city (Seattle).



Its a meme. I know 2 people in the US who did exactly that. One went to a bootcamp and then the bootcamp spoofed their work experience so they could apply for 100k jobs

The other guy just taught himself and lied on his own cv

The secret is to not go for the spicy jobs like data scientists or ai guy or full stack
But for the jobs that people who actually know how to code dont want

>only 55k

maybe in the third world

nothing is ever simple in business

Unless you're buying software made by literally one guy, you're paying for huge teams of people to develop one cohesive produce. Those teams need people to lead them and coordinate production. It's like an orchestra, the conductor may not know how to play every instrument but you still need him.

my american friend showed his code from his simple minecraft mod at the interview and got the job
now he earns 175k a year
no.degree or anything

Retards what stops you from doing the same thing considering most programming jobs are remote roles?

You can make nearly 55k if you flip burgers for 60hrs/week. You fucked up bro.

>know a ton of languages
and what frameworks do you know? do you know sql, jeknins, kubernetes, docker, testing frameworks? have you participated in open source projects?

kill yourself shart you don't know shit

dubs and I kill myself if I don't find a job in a week

I went for a job at a shitty Indian consulting company here in the US. I was stuffed in a room with 4 other Indians and it smelled. That gave me the experience needed to go anywhere else though.

absolutely serious question: do employers EVER verify the shit you put on your CV?

55k is nothing America. Also that is pre-tax, so I take home about 44k.
Cost of living is super high here.
The cheapest rent I can find in my city is like 2750 a month. Add to that utilities, internet, car+ gas (there is no public transportation), health insurance, and food - and there is nothing left.

What? I made 50k working at the post office 60+ hours a week as an unskilled mail tosser.


Stop being a retard and go into IP law.

you've never suffered truly then fren, you're privileged enough to not have gone through. When there's fire up your ass, you don't get to choose

They mostly just check criminal records
Theyre not calling past employers and even if they do its just 'did so and so work here'

That said lying on your CV is generally a criminal act