Defense spending is now 2% of GPD

>Defense spending is now 2% of GPD
>Discussion on conscription in earnest

Finally, Europe's mightiest fighting race is waking up and It is an honor to see the founding of the Fourth Reich in my lifetime

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we might have a functioning military in 5-10 years again, that's it.

>A large, pangermanic army in the 30s
Oh no......

>conscription meme
conscription is useless, we are not under direct invasion thread

I surrender preemptively

Attached: 03d.jpg (405x720, 86.29K)

It's time to show Ruskis what a real blitzkrieg looks like.

> +100% civilian to military factory conversion speed
> +50% synthetic refinery construction speed
> +0.25 daily political power
> -50% lend-lease tension limit
>Can create factions

Attached: download (1).jpg (300x168, 11.01K)

4th Reich lets go!

If you ever post again ill go loose in mumbai

>Germans are building up an army
>Russians invading shit
>USA will be isolationist

Attached: 4lqb8k.jpg (903x500, 128.42K)

>Defense spending is now 2% of GPD
That's the bare minimum in order to hope to defend their country. Hope.

In the 90s we discontinued it at some point because it had become a waste of money. Around that time we spent around 3% of GDP (down from 6.5% in 1960).
Nowadays, with more automation and hi-tech equipment more expensive than ever, Germany won't have a manpower problem with a mere 2%.

Deep down they yearn for it

Attached: Einmarsch_zum_Großen_Zapfenstreich._Vor_dem_Reichstagsgebäude_ehren_wir_die_Soldatinnen_un.webm (640x360, 1.72M)

>the germ is finally released
>breaks the chains, goes nuclear
>secretly signs molotov-ribbentropp 2.0, unholy alliance is formed, turns on his isramerican masters
would be kino

>goes nuclear
THAT would be disquieting.

>>Defense spending is now 2% of GPD
>That's the bare minimum in order to hope to defend their country. Hope.
no it's not. Even now at 1.4% we almost spend as much as France and the UK. The problem is that we have shit leadership and inefficient procurement. We don't need *that* much more money, we just need to spend it better. Given that, 2% will be plenty.

Let's go listen to Panzerlied on YouTube
Is this march legal in Germany?

yes, the lyrics aren't political
only stuff like SS marches into enemy territory is illegal (shame, it's a catchy song desu)


>Even now at 1.4% we almost spend as much as France
In our case, a lot of money is saved (currently) by skipping expensive maintenance and having low ammo stocks (everything from small arms to cruise missiles).
In the advent of a large war, we would immediately increase spending and hence, get those tanks/planes/copters sitting around only because repairing them isn't a priority. And get more ammo.
This can be done quickly, unlike recruiting and training more personnel or even building more planes.
So, we spent about 2.4% these past years but it's really more like there is also another 1-2% ready to be added at moment's notice.
And we do need (and get) help for strategic airlifts from allies all the time. Heavy airplanes and helicopters. Without paying for it, so it's not included in our spendings. But that is money spent on France's military, it's just not paid from our own pocket.
Likewise, the cost (and use) of some of our military satellites (we have a space force, now) is shared with Italy.
We have a naval/air base in the Persian Gulf which was entirely paid for by Abu Dabhi (they feel safer from Iran with some French troops, and we get a base in a strategic location for free).
And since France includes all those islands all over the world and friendly countries, we can also have bases there, which makes logistics cheaper since assets operating there can be stationned there, no need to move ships/planes/troops all the way from France all the time.

>>USA will be isolationist

Looks more like they're going against China

also you pay your troops less than we do

reminder to thank the ang*os for preventing us to balkanize germany at the end of WWI and WWII

yes, unironic thanks
1815 France was treated as an equal member on the conference and granted full sovereignty and even great power status
1871 the same, France just lost one German speaking province
post WW1 France wanted to dismantle Germany completely
fuck France, frankly

Errr, Germany was split in two