What do these niggas think of latinx people?

what do these niggas think of latinx people?

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We literally never, ever think about them, not in a bad way we just don't care

They dont think of you why would anybody on this goddamn cursed wicked and catastrophic earth think OF MEXICO ?

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I like mexicans and mexican culture, same thing to brazilians.
I dont know much of othets tho.

Love from Portugal :)

shtu up manoel

no one asked cleyton uochingtõ


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I couldn't care less about the Spani*rds, their language is ridiculous and inferior. Also Brasil is not Latinx, they are based.

They laugh, bcoz meanwhile they are from UE, and receive gibs of Germany, their distant cousins are sufering trying hunting fishes in Amazon to survive


We don't think at all, thinking is for nerds

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Btw did you know, where is from the latino bloods of latinos?


Brazilians have Origins in colones from Minho, Douro, Açores and Alentejo, meanwhile Conquistadores of pancitos, came from Extremadura, Castela, País Catalan, and Canárias

Imagine abandoned this, for this

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Sabes para onde é que cada um deles foi?
alguma fonte?
t. curioso

I want to visit Cuba and Chile someday but that's about it

> their language is ridiculous and inferior
uh... isn't portuguese a offshoot of galician?

It's literally the other way around

Sudacas live rent free in the minds of moors and vice versa

Do Açores e Minho, vieram para Minas Gerais, Minho para São Paulo, Alentejo, Madeira, Açores, para o Nordeste, Açorianos para o Sul e no Norte/Amazônia tiveram alguns norte-africanos lusos, de Ceuta Antiga, Mazagão no caso.

A maioria era do Norte de Portugal mesmo


nuestrx hermanx

I wasn't a fan, but then I saw Encanto and it made me appreciate the wonders of latinx culture and traditions.

They alright.

Portugal was low populated, so generally was a single old man, with plenty portuguese family, and kids, and go to Américas fuck multiple ebonics and indians, generate brazilians even the fathers like Priest Pedro Dias has some three índian wifes

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both wrong, they just share the same roots. It's like humans and monkeys, none of them comes from the other, they just share a common ancestor.


I know, it was just a shitty joke
>even the fathers like Priest Pedro Dias has some three índian wifes
Holy based

Some fonts like Freyre, said that a portuguese Man, in arid north of Brazil, have 40 Black and native wifes, and he have so much children and grandchildren saying:
>a benção, pai, a benção, vó
That he barelly could know who is who