
Hurricane edition

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Why is rem so cute

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getting bummed

mad how if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it it doesnt make a noise

this has been debunked with microphones

woke up depressed, straight on the drugs

mad how all rorke had to do was get the vax and sit it out for a few months then everything would be back to normal and he and those around him would be protected agains the (slim but real) chance of serious effects of covid (we are here) but instead he too the opportunity to be a little try hard edgy cunt and put countless people in more danger (including himself) all the while detaching himself further and further from society and becoming an all round deplorable

Business idea: headphones that create a vacuum in your ear canal so no sound can penetrate

wonder sticking your cock outside a spaceship would be like

it's Monday

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are you telling me to get a job?

Seems to happen when they hit their mid thirties. I'm still friends with one of my exes who went on some mental diet as soon as she hit 35, and she looks like a rake now. Her tits are gone and her bum has gone flat, and she looks too gaunt.

more of a mosquito man myself

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Alri sherlock

which drug?


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got drugs in the post me

The drugs don't work they just make you worse mate

I am literally an unskilled labourer. This is my first job. An entry level job.
She is an unskilled office worker. This is her second job after waitressing. An entry level job.

Seriously bruv, you can't compare people that work to the disabled and to dole bludgers. we earn less than other workers

Ideas of what to cook for lunch?
Nothing exotic.
I only have a LIdl nearby.

Maybe alcohol is the answer. Makes me feel better and if I get different kinds from different countries it makes me more cultured innit

Pesto pasta


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love how the media just loves to imply all suspects are always guilty

America needs Socialism.

dont do drugs mate it will ruin your life

Mad how you got scammed by companies selling snake oil.

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>If no man made object is present to sustain the matrix in the woods the tree will not make a sound

Doesn't sound as catchy

You need to get a life

any man here never made out with a girl

Britain roars out for national socialism

go get a massage mate. the service economy needs your dollars. don't go burdening logistics any further with goods imports

>Mad how you got scammed by companies selling snake oil.

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Responsible and moderate drug use is absolutely fine

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It's telling that it's one of our earliest inventions.

>got drugs in the post me

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You should have a chat with the "Britain thunders out for socialism" poster

(I think he says socialism, or maybe it's communism, something like that)

mad how all leftypol had to do was not get the vax and sit it out for a few months then everything would be back to normal and he and those around him would be protected agains [sic] the (slim but real) chance of serious effects of the vaccine (we are here) but instead he too [sic] the opportunity to be a little try hard conformist drone and put countless people in more danger (including himself) all the while attaching himself further and further to the tory government and becoming an all round deplorable

reckon we handled covid quite well and at times we were dare i say it, based

The Ukrainian government builds army bases under schools then cries out that the Russians are bombing schools, which are empty.

what’s your job then

Yeah it's really weird, you hope they haven't permanently wrecked themselves because this kind of thing usually happens to good looking women too
Women like Salma Hayek just let themselves get a bit pudgier and look fucking peng, don't know why women are too retarded to realise that is the way to age gracefully

Yes, putting the entire country under house arrest was very "based"

Leftypol absolutely terrified of masculine working class men and cannot into banter to save his life

No it isnt, humans arent supposed to be doing drugs. There is nothing fine about tricking your brain with weird chemical substances out of boredom, get a grip

Drink rakia, it's what they drink in the Balkans. Nazdrave.

what danger are you refering to with regards to me taking the vax? (provide sources in your answer)

>both sides of war use propaganda
i am so shocked
now fuck off back to Any Forums

Done so many drugs from smack to mdma 3x a week for months, GHB, amphetamines, other opiates, research chemicals such as mephedrone
Was just a phase
Now just some herb once in a while and acid

back from the hospital lads

never appealed to me, only ever used Ritalin, and only because I wanted to work more

Spent the entire weekend playing Gran Turismo and I've already finished all the cafe challenges. Literally drove over 600 miles in the game yesterday kek

poo noncer

went in to one of those proper chinky shops the other day and they had two aisles full of different flavoured noodle bowls really wanted some but was too scared to go to the checkout

entry level miner

Everybody did that. But ours lasted for the shortest times, compared to Australia and Canada. And people were getting asked for papers from police in Europe very recently. Overall we were pretty light handed


You say this and yet caffeine and alcohol are widely consumed, and nicotine too.

Those drugs are socially acceptable though, it seems. Nicotine perhaps less so these days.

Based workaholic
I had ritalin and concerta for ADD but switched to speed which actually worked better. Same risk profile

have you ever considered doing it for real instead of playing play pretend?
like autocross or rallycross?

Should try braving it some time and getting some :)


It took me almost an hour to get a gold on the hairpin license test

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>You say this and yet caffeine and alcohol are widely consumed, and nicotine too.

>Those drugs are socially acceptable though, it seems. Nicotine perhaps less so these days.

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I take it you dont drink alcohol then

Dolphins take drugs
Cats take drugs
Monkeys take drugs

Get your head out your arse


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yes it's well know, but not available in the EU without lots of pain, I did it legally, wouldn't ever ever ever consider breaking the law...

Coffee and beer arent psychoactive or make you hallucinate dribbling on your shoulder like a spastic on the couch for hours mate cope on

Some of the license tests on this new GT are insanely difficult tbqh, same goes for the missions.

Pathetic goal post move. State of you

>we only got five rusty nails in our scrotum and those other lads got a dozen
Thank you based government! We are eternally grateful to our masters!

Some keen lad joined our comfy team at work now he’s making us all look bad ffs

Is it your intention to deny that the vaccine has 'slim but real chance' of serious unwanted side effects? Here is Australia's tracker for them showing that the overall rate of serious negative side effects is 0.2% and that rate is at least 40+ times higher if you are a male under 25 years of age (almost everyone here) compared to 60 year olds. So the chance is very 'real' compared to the covid death rate in Australia. Yet again young healthy men are asked to bear the burden of society by putting themselves at needless risk.


haha same, im on menu number 16. how many menus are there?

No I'm too scared to do any of that shit

>wot about caffeine and nicotine, eh? Eh?

Oh my fucking DAYS bore off


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Never said I'm a "freethinker", never said anything about religion, never claimed to be "intellectually superior"

So you're pretty fucking bizarre aren't you? Literal fucking idiot.

>Coffee and beer arent psychoactive
>Caffeine is the world's most widely consumed psychoactive drug.

I didn't say anything about harder drugs, I only mentioned three quite common and not very hard drugs. Cope on.

The common normoid cope is
>buh alcohol and coffee!
you are the pathetic goalpost shifter, runt

39, and I think they might be adding more in the future.


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it's not that dangerous, rally cross only gets up to something like 60km/h, the track is full of curves meant to make it less dangerous for amateurs, you don't ever reach dangerous speeds,
it's really less dangerous that lots of other sports, like cycling or skiing

well? what about it?

Yeah what about them you dribbling fucking idiot

It's not a cope, it's a fact, you literal fucking idiot

>humans arent supposed to be doing drugs.
drugs have played an integral role in human society since the very beginning

Youve been done. Stay in your lane next time, loser

>Never said I'm a "freethinker", never said anything about religion, never claimed to be "intellectually superior"

>So you're pretty fucking bizarre aren't you? Literal fucking idiot.

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I fell off a motorbike once and broke my arm, no thanks

>It's not normal to take drugs for fun
>Defending taking drugs? You're a normie

Autists will be genocided

got high on nicotine and bit my nans face off. nasty stuff

All these retards arguing about which drugs don’t make you mong out on the couch for 10 hours as if that isn’t the point of drugs ffs

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what u got coming

mad how most people will move on with their lives even most who didnt get the vax but these sad freaks online will continue bragging how they didnt get it for years to come
