How do people from Saint Petersburg and people from Moscow see each other? Do two cities have some kind of "rivalry"...

How do people from Saint Petersburg and people from Moscow see each other? Do two cities have some kind of "rivalry"? Is one characterized as being progressive and other conservative, relatively speaking? Do they have major sports teams that are big rivals? Do people get in fights during the games?

Attached: map.jpg (474x361, 21.23K)

St petersburg is arthoe center moscow is finance bro center

>that map
was this drawn by a 5 year old?

Pretty much this

What kind of map is this?

I’ve heard people say that Moscow and St Petersburg have basically first world living standards, is that true?

If Russia started from Novgorod/Saint Petersburg, it would be part of Europe

This map makes me hard

HDI in Moscow is the same as the Netherlands.

Ivan the Terrible slaughtered Novgorod back in like XV century so yeah

Not really
I live 4km from Kremlin and it's a typical soviet city
With new trams and new market nearby tho

idk i just googled st petersburg moscow map and got that as a result

pretty cringe ngl
novogorod republuc gang

Attached: E4881A75-ED82-48A0-87F4-253CD5A12894.jpg (420x420, 97.63K)

>If Russia started from Novgorod
Uhh is anyone gonna tell him?

Only rivalry I can think of is that we use different words for some things

Not even rivalry
Petersburg is a complete shithole compared to Moscow
I'd rather say jealousy and frustration

Hoвгopoд зaвoeвaл дeд Ивaнa Гpoзнoгo и yжe тoгдa oн oтceлил нoвгopoдцeв oттyдa и зaceлил лoяльных eмy людeй. Taк ктo взбyнтoвaлcя пpи Гpoзнoм?

wtf that’s surprising
how does it have the HDI of the Netherlands then?

It says Denmark in Wikipedia
Really makes you think when the average Western country is as developed as your capital

>how does it have the HDI of the Netherlands then?
Central district

Based novgorod republic enjoyer

St. Petersburg is a cultural centre and a capital of Russian Empire. People also call Petersburg a Northern and Cultural capital of Russia, while Moscow IMO is just a giant hellhole