I just learnt that Amerifats were really into eugenics...

I just learnt that Amerifats were really into eugenics, heavy racism and massive sterilizations long before it was even a thing in Nazi Germany. Now that you also know it, do you trust Americans, Any Forums? I don't, their ancestors unironically taught Nazis all the stuff about race autism and I feel like they can start trying to measure my skull at any point.

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It's a hard cub to get into

Americans don't have moral boundaries they just do whatever is convenient at the moment

pimping aint easy

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America from 1880-1925 was proto nazi germany

Pic related for context. How do we denazify Americans, Any Forums?

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Thanks, I love the US now.

This. Americans have no honor or integrity. They’re bugpeople.
>a few Jews in America
>Jews are actually commonly celebrated as the finest specimens of the white race because they’re so resilient and clever
>Jewish population explodes
>American newspapers start seeing them as hairy, dirty conniving beasts with an alien foreign religion

Do we need to bring up that chart of colonial Spanish racial caste autism

they shouldn't have been so damn jewish

Yes, we were at the forefront of eugenics science and racial anthropology. It's ironic considering where we are now.

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No you're not getting anywhere near my skull with that tape measure thank you

t. man with tiny skull

It called pragmatism.

Poor Grant the the death of his Nordic America

This "muh Nazis" crap is starting to get old. Give it a fucking rest.

>This "muh Nazis" crap is starting to get old
Agreed, very well said. Surely we can start to wake up, forget about Nazis and and blame Americans instead for having been the real puppet masters from the start

And so did la france before germany.
They're the next one in queue to fail.

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France already followed murrica

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There is nothing wrong with eugenics and I don't know why it's presented as a bad thing.
Being against inbreeding is a form of eugenics, but 99% of people are against incest and cousinfucking.
Sure, it gets ugly if you start writing laws about enforcing it, but people would also be against laws that enforce healthy eating. Does that discredit eating healthy?

America is a white settler colonial state.

The nazis were going to do to the slavs what americans did to the amerindians, just on a faster industrial scale

This. Nobody imitates nazis nowaday, its cringe.

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What?! You want to improve the health and wellbeing of humanity and stop future generations of kids from growing up with crippling genetic illnesses?!? What are you, some kind of monster?

Nazi eugenics objectives were to destroy whole nations

The good health of a people is achieved with good education, good health services and clean enviroments, not thru gas chambers and bullets in their skulls

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Fucking anglos bro I swear... they will rationalize every atrocity imaginable

I don't think clean enviroments and good health service can save you from ibreeding consequences, he has a point, you're just doing an hyperbole

Everyone was in the new world. Mexico, Brazil etc. Brazil has one of the highest % of sterilized women in the world even today 25 million Brazilian women are sterilized. In the US go look at the racial stats on abortions after roe v wade. Over half the recorded abortions are black. Since roe v wade was legalized theres been over 50 million black abortions in the US.

I mean eugenics was kinda like that at first but then Americans discovered it and went overboard with it, then exported their version to Europe and the rest is history. This part isn't even bait, you can read about it, it's actually pretty interesting and usually not talked about much.