
speccy bam edish

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This is the user calling you 'rorke'

waaaa hey you fucking little bald speccy slapheaded cunt

this is the user calling you "putinbot"

is it true glasgow is full of speccy bams

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Emma Watson’s bum subedition

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ever wonder how many Ukrainian refugees one could house at Buckingham Palace?

he typed chebs lol

mad how comedy films literally aren't made any more

'fu is live

just realized super hans is a lefty

state of that hairline

adam sandler drops a new film like 3 times a year

falling asleep listening to cheb music

what do you little freaks get out of ASMR, don't get it at all

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o ye

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Every main character is but I think they would all be pro vax apart from Jez who would still remain libertarian left but firmly anti vax

mumberg called me a virgin cause she caught me playing as Prussia in EU4


anyone tried tommy robinson's new aftershave?

visited my grandpa's cows the other day

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she's right lol

shaggers play brandenburg

how can we have nationalism when we are in a union with foreigners?

i put this to you lads of england

have they not actively worked against us and the interests of our people in favour of themselves at every single opportunity?

was the union itself not an act of generosity?

the kind nature of our people has been literally laughed at for hundreds of years by the very people we help

its not us, its them
we deserve better

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hate women
actually genuinely despise them
every fucking world event some slags (usually french) use it an excuse to just get their tits out on tv
lock. them. up

eau de rorke?

i get why you would have taken the double vax first time round
what i dont understand is why anyone would take the booster

would buy it if it existed

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any of you watching the darts?

it's like when everyone says the new ios is shite then gets it anyway

people don't talk/act like that in real life

I want to know what Emma Watson’s farts smell like.

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Not a decent pair of chebs among the lot of them, sad!!

*looks up from a packet of JPS, three stale rothmans, a handful of sterling dual and a full ashtray*
always watching the darts me


being bummed as i type this

Union/brit nationalism works as long your don't make it an equal union. It was always parliament at the top nobody had to give scotland/wales governments

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bordering on gay that

Rorke joining Duty
Leftypol joining Freedom
Rasheed joining Monolith

choon that

We are so fucking ugly

only good thing Jaykae has been associated with

that's the point at which i tapped out
shouldn't have even bothered with the first 2 now that they're not pushing it as hard but then again never know when a """new variant""" might emerge again and we go through the whole rigmarole again

never liked menthols me

You arrive to the Russian military training HQ

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based gimmicklad

they see our generosity as weakness

they dont give a single shit about anything other than themselves

they laugh at us for paying for them to live

they think its funny

they think they deserve it more than our own poor people because they think they are better than us

like the mongrel that growls as its master walks past its shit bowl

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mark is centrist, maybe conservative with a small c

only blackies like menthols

id like to stay away clear from politics

yes i can hear you, even though im burried alive

cleme h. fantango? did you just add an h to your name, so you can seem more like a prat than you already are?


stopped pushing it bc
1. vaccines clearly dont work and they need an out
2. covid can't be imagined to be killing many people
3. people remember other things in life more improtant than covid

you've posted this several times before and you were repeatedly debunked

The secret ingredient is crime

alright maybe the numbers are a tiny tiny bit off but am i wrong?

am i wrong? go on tell me im wrong and get fucking howls at


they're calling the new variant the scariant because its so scary and deadly

they're calling the new variant the scraniant because I'm eating it all

dinner was lovely earlier

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