How would your pilots do against russian pilots?

how would your pilots do against russian pilots?

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Not good. The german airforce is a joke right now.

Why are you still pretending this shit is real?

he's officially the top supersonic fighter jet ace in history.

>how would your pilots do against russian pilots?
Sell Patriots plox.

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He doesn't exist lol

He did, but he died. His name was Alexander something or other.

he's real faggot

>He did
No man he never did lol. It was pure propaganda. And when they relaized they couldn't maintain it they "killed" him

As real as the west gender politics: fake af

he's not dead. he's still flying. he's the reason why russian jets do not control the airspace yet.

His name is Samuelsky Hydiv or something one of our sitting congressman tweeted about him OWNING the Russian airforce

Oh so you're trolling lol

he exists in our hearts

In Korea the Russians sent guys in and some of them got shot down.probably depends on the hardware.

i guess you are not following the news. the ukrainian pilots are really skilled.

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This dude has been repeatedly proven to not exist from day one, it’s a literal Ace Combat joke. I don’t even know how it took off in popularity. I don’t think the Russians have lost a single fighter aircraft, the only confirmed Russian jet losses are like 4 Su-25’s, one Su-30SM destroyed on the ground and one An-26. You are a retard if you think a MiG-29 can take on and destroy two Su-35’s and an Su-27 in like one fucking day

Next you say the 6 Gorillion arnt true either, hecking chud

We have been using f-16s for like 20 years now.
Most portuguese pilots have over 30000 hours in them.
Russian pilots have 200 hours per year or something like that.
How F-16s hold up to today's standards is the question.

He can't keep getting away with this.

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hence the name dummy

They would all be eradicated in less than 2 days.

>le ghost of kiev
for me, it's the Odessa rapist
hello are you some reddit refugee?


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Mark my words: in a couple of years there is going to be a jewllywood movie about le epic bullshit of the 'ghost of kiev' with blacks, womens and trans actors

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