My cat died this morning

my cat died this morning

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I'm sorry for your loss mate, I have also lost a cat.
Best wishes x

Rip kot may he be absorbed by the Dhao.

I’m sorry
Soulless insect


she got into a fight with another cat that usually comes to steal her food.

this time she lost

cats don't just kill each other

how did you find her?

Are you going to get revenge?
If it was a dog that killed my cat id kill it, not so sure if I would if another cat killed him

How does a cat kill another cat? Serious question. I've never known a cat doing anything worse than biting off a chunk of another's ear or gouging their eye out

Cats don't kill each other my man. There is something else going on


I woke up and saw her dead under the tree in the backyard
she was only 9 months old

idk if I'll kill him but I'm definitely going to beat it with a stick (so fucking hard)

My cat was killed by a dog, but the dow owner ran away, so I never found out who it was. I put up wanted posters but they were all tore down

Why are you feeding your cat outside

Kill every dog in the neighborhood, eventually you’ll get the right one

Even the cats in thirdie land is more violent

rip kittie

ok sweaty but have you thought about the kids in kyiv? they're dying too

she spent most of her time outside, so I left food for her by the door

That's nazi tactics!