What do urban Brazilians think of the natives in the Amazon backcountry?

What do urban Brazilians think of the natives in the Amazon backcountry?

Do they dream about backpacking in the Great Amazon rainforest, like the rest of us adventurers and explorers from around the world do?

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Nobody even remembers they exist

That's fucked up.

Remember them.

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We don't idealize them and we are very wary, for obvious reasons, of "adventurers and explorers from around the world". We don't trust you and see you with enormous suspicion.
I have a foreign (European) woman friend who went along 2 other European women for a visit to some tribes outside the usual flux of tourism organized travels etc.
They hired a guy to guide them. The second they set foot in the riverbank there was a Policia Federal agent who accompanied them during the entire journey.

>The second they set foot in the riverbank there was a Policia Federal agent who accompanied them during the entire journey.
What's wrong with that?

Why? Most natives were wiped out, more so than in the US
why don't you go on an adventure in the US if you want to see natives?

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Grandpa worked extracting latex in the amazon forest for Ford.
Grandma was full blown indigenous.
Hard life of semi-serfdom, they managed to get out of that green hell, killing jaguars and surviving diseases.
Most indigenous nowadays are just larpers that drive pickup trucks and wear adidas shorts.

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Leftists treat them like exotic animals in a zoo and prevent them from getting basic tech or education.
They can't do anything with the land they "own".
Bolsonaro wants to give them the option of actually doing something with their land. Letting them plant IF THEY WANT, or let them lease the mines on their land for extraction of resources in exchange of royalties, etc.

The few natives I met were really poor.
I know some natives set blockades in roads and illegally charge money to let you pass.

No, thank you.


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Nothing: it's how it's done. Just to give you an idea that the "adventurers" have limited options in the Amazon.

Most of the Amazon is far from basic infrastructure, healthcare and law enforcement, unfortunately. The best places in Brazil for backpacking, hiking and exploring in my opinion are the Pantanal, Chapada Diamantina and Serra do Mar. Much more pleasant, accessible and safe than the Amazon.


But I'm sure there are options for groups of young men to venture in the wild by themselves?

Part of the drug route that brings drugs to Europe

i live here in the amazon, they are exaggerating a bit, just stay away from the small cities in the main rivers(Amazonas river, negro river and Solimões) they are similar to the road towns in infrastructure and safety
if you want to know the amazon forest, go to a eco-something(hotels, lodges, resorts)

if you really want the "explorer" fantasy you need to know someone here(and no i will not help you) and plan ahead with a group, but stay away from native land or any place with gold, you should be fine if you follow theses tips

>more than the US
I don't believe that and I can't find any reliable source that proves me wrong. Americans hunted an species to almost extinction to kill their natives. Plus the genes of our indigenous people still survive in mixed Pardo brazilians, their culture has been integrated as part of brazilian culture

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Yes. I even learned our ancient native language, Old Tupi, and I am currently helping to improve Wiktionary entries for modern Tupi (Nheengatu language).

No. Even if you feel that you're "by yourselves". Particularly not if you're American, Chinese, European or to a lesser extent Japanese.
The Amazon is excruciatingly difficult and dangerous to visit, and human movement inside it is easy to detect.

>I don't believe that
Sounds like a you problem then lol

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That's not what your mom said last night

I hold them to a much higher regard than I do blacks/browns who inhabit the favelas