Is this the future of civilised humanity?

Is this the future of civilised humanity?

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that would be korea

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No. Kepler-452b is

Are you gay?

I am


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i am moving to buenos aires

Not while i'm alive

yeah kek


no, just Patagonia. Everything north of that will be devastated by nuclear winter.

Africa will become civilized sooner than South America will.

We must secure the continuing existence of our geneological line (but unironically).

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No that's just South America

Chile will reach the combined protein production of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay in 2030 in tons combining livestock, pig, poultry, aquaculture, industrial fishing industries.

NO, i won't elaborate why

Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and the southern parts of Brazil, Boliva, Peru will unironically be the best part of the world to live in, in 30 years after Australia/New Zealand. Indonesia maybe too. If a nuke war happens Canada will get zapped with us.

CIA needs to instigate another couple of civil wars there ASAP

you wish

Genuine question. Why are Chileans generally smarter and less race obsessed than other Latin Americans. I've been to Chile and noticed it in person too. The people were just more articulate and rational compared to the rest of the continent and yes I did go to some bad parts of Santiago too. Has education always just been better there? Was the caste system killed off earlier?

Hell no