Russia is now the fucking white male of countries

>Russia is now the fucking white male of countries

Attached: russian_phobia.png (682x723, 315.23K)

>First three are absolute shit
It's not looking good.

wtf i love russia now

"Send the next wave of wh*te males to be slaughtered. For my banana in ukraine."

Attached: 1646411474993.jpg (302x334, 96.09K)

>white one has all the toxic traits
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this

While I don't care about the actual conflict, I think watching libs suddenly become ardent patriots is amusing. They really are snakes with no values.

what would germanys traits be?

Darth Putin must be defeated... how else will transfolk be safe...

Kek even the ads are becoming brainwashing propaganda


Are they? I don't use social media.

(((*nglos))) of course

That is one schizophrenic graphic

wh*tebois btfo!

Every day I'm praying for a total Russian victory. Our only hope to make these people shut up.

ahaha the anglo is BLACK

This is exactly what the average Westerner believes though. You don't need (((Them))) to make this anymore, the average Western cosmopolitan views the world this way.

Attached: soybetacuck redditor.jpg (500x500, 35.19K)

Some incel because it's fake.

У Pyccких нa этoй кapтинкe coбpaны бyквaльнo вce caмыe пoлoжитeльныe кaчecтвa. Бeз cтёбa.

>manipulation is considered a bad trait

Attached: 16194350460830.jpg (199x200, 5.62K)

Ah yes, a pic with text. My favourite trolling technique.

ruskie bait