Who is the Chad of Latinx?

Who is the Chad of Latinx?

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Who has more blacks?

Either Brazil or Colombia.


Mexico or Brazil

By percentage? Probably Dominican Republic, Brazil, Puerto Rico or Panama

Mexico obviously
>Kino narco state inspiring cinema all over the world
>Conquering the world superpower without firing a single shot
>Most famous cuisine in the world
Their current historical relevance makes Spain a Mexican colony retroactively.

Easter Island

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Can't be Brazil since we're not Latinos.
It's obviously Argentina with their black bulls

t. mexican


Question : I was arguing with someone on Any Forums about the new Pokemon game.
Are Spaniards Latinx? Since Mexicans came from the Spanish Empire?

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stay the fuck off Any Forums with your mexican bullshit, no one wants to see that shit on a video game board. making the same threads 500 times a week.

No but italians are


DR then

No devoted christian schooler would dress like the one on the right

Per percentatge Haiti if you count them if by total probably Brazil.


The one who doesn't say "Latinx"

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I thought Brazilians were latinos, but not hispanic

why would you count by total

>roman province what included ALL Iberia, even Portugal
We are latin by a culture sense, like middle east, East Asia, SEA
but by definition or historically speaking it's a nonsense, Latin is from a region called Lazio in Italy, we just happen to speak a romance language due to our Portuguese colonization which represents 80% or even more of our culture

tl;dr we are latinx and Hispanicx

How identical is your culture to Portugal?