Who wins in a fight?

Who wins in a fight?
Greeks have the smarts, Turks have the numbers and will to die fighting.

Attached: Greece_Turkey_Locator.png (1200x1000, 65.08K)

If you're so smart, why did your country collapse economically?


a little of fire is enough for a lot of wood

Because he was smart enough to know you nordic cucks would bail him out lmao

everybody is busy doing the theory but nobody does the practice

Maybe I should take it since my country is the biggermost. Glory to Huestanbul.

Greeks, they have Zeus and Kratos on their side

Attached: unnamed.jpg (700x451, 52.61K)

>Greeks have the smarts
That was ages ago, all the smart people left when the economy went to the dump.
Turks win this no doubt.

It depends on whether France and Egypt back Greece in the event of a war. If one of them chickens out, then Turkey wins easy.

The eternal frog has Greece's back.

>they have Zeus and Kratos on their side

I stole all the money

I thought we were talking 1 vs 1 here, of course with allies Greece wins.
Europeans can't beat Turkey without ganging up on it.

jupiter is the roman name for zeus, dumb frog

>Greeks have the smarts
You're a couple of millennia out of date, buddy.

France could beat Turkey on its own, UK maybe, Poland would put up a decent fight.
I'd be living in the elayet of elendelüs tho.

>It depends on whether France and Egypt back Greece
Too late for France, we're committed.
We drew a line last time. I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of formal treaty was announced, complete with the pre-positioning of naval and air assets in Greece and Cyprus.
It's better to be clear while it's still peacetime. Erdogan will think twice before trying anything funny. Last time probably was because he thought he could get away with it. Like Saddam with Kuwait.

I of course meant JUPITER as in "Macron"

I don't know. The Turks already kicked both France and Greece's ass in 1922, and the odds were far worse.

Greece has the 6th highest share of STEM graduates in the world

>the odds were far worse
We can nuke the 300 largest cities in Turkey (assuming they even have 300 large cities) and there's jack shit they can do about it.
Don't see how they could win.

Depends on the current military equipment each one of them holds, when it comes to Soldiers and strategic position it's obvious Turkey has the lead.

>France could beat Turkey on its own
No they can't. Turkey has a comparable sized navy, a larger airforce, a larger army, and more will to fight, but most importantly they have the home court advantage.

How about getting the celtic or whatever name of the same god.

Where did we stay this was an invasion of Turkey.
Either way I still think France'd win, frogs are devious.

Because . Everyone's gotcha about Grecia is muh debt, but that's a debt that is never going to be paid back. Meanwhile everyone here has two houses bought with cheap foreign money in the 80s and 90s
Hard to tell. Both countries have pretty good militaries. I might be biased but I think Greece could win a purely defensive war. Land forces are plenty and well-equipped considering the tiny land border, I don't think Turks can march through Evros. Air forces are also well-equipped and well-trained. Turkey could maybe capture some rocks in the Aegean but I don't think it would amount to anything in the end. The real danger is Cyprus anyway.

I was assuming that any war between France and Turkey would happen in the East Mediterranean. Location is an extremely important factor.

Taranis is our god of thunder, here in these parts.
But these days we pray to "Triomphant", the god of nuclear destruction.
(Some say there of four of Him, some say They are quadruplets)

>Turkey has a comparable sized navy

they have elderly second hand OH Perry class frigates of 1980 vintage.
We retired ships that were more modern than this.

That picture is USS Stark of the US Navy (one of those Perry frigates), after being stuck by an Iraqi missile in 1987.
(French-made missile, btw. Exocet).
Now, our hardware is two generations beyond that, but they still rely on those old ships.

>larger airforce
Turkey and Greece exactly had the same airforces (no coincidence), again, elderly F16 and F4 Phantoms. But recently (after Erdogan's gesticulations), Greece bought modern planes.
Today it would be a turkey shoot. Which France would participate in, provided the Greeks but invites us.

>a larger army
that is true, but masses of ground troops won't help them to seize those islands.

>more will to fight
It's just Macron threatening Erdogan to back off from Greece or else he'll start receiving nukes every few days until his troops go back to Turkey. I'm pretty sure Macron would do that. But it's his prerogative, so I can't say for sure. Here, the president is elected and then he gets to decide these matters.

Attached: USS_Stark.jpg (571x380, 44.03K)