
Eagrán Dé hAoine

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Your thread is dying because it's not BBC or trans

No coom on Fridays. It's an unofficial rule. A "guideline" if you will.

Also I'd rather a slow thread with no freaks than a fast thread with many freaks.

Would you rather an Irish atheist Ireland or a Brown Catholic Ireland?

Fingal, Temora, etc
These are all real ancient poems uttered from Ossian's mouth

Someone go contact the mods about ASF and his years of constant daily racism and spam that have gone unpunished

Tell Hiro on Twitter.

My wife pooped until she started dripping blood out her anus when birthing our daughter. She said it was the most straining she's ever done in her life, even burst capillaries in one of her eyes from the straining. I was terrified, but the doctors and nurses said it was very common and a normal part of childbirth that nobody really talks about. They even had a dedicated plastic baggie box for cleaning birth poops.

Giving birth can put a lot of pressure on peoples with uteruses

Wife did a huge fart followed by a slurry of shite

I was deep in labor, attempting to tune the world out, and I felt it. Something was ... happening. Something that wasn't a baby was making its way out down there. I was pooping. On the delivery table. In front of other people.

This hadn't happened to me the first time I'd given birth. How could this be happening?! Horrified as the smell hit my nose, I gasped through the contraction to my husband that he should get the nurse because I'd crapped myself. My husband is a little hard of hearing, so I had to repeat, louder, "Get a nurse! I just crapped myself."

The poor nurse was in right away to clean me up, and no one in my family has spoken of it since. I did lots of Google searches on the topic since "The Incident," and it turns out it's a pretty common occurrence. The same muscles that push out a baby also push out waste, so it makes sense that if you have anything in your bowels, it's getting pushed out, too.

I read poor nurse as "poop nurse". Dream job!

>so what has he done today that's racist?
>well... he said...

Now, why would an Irishman come here and try to complain about ALL of my posts?
Maybe you have a problem with ONE post, maybe a hundred. But ALL of them?
Maybe the problem is with you.

A Scotsman chooses. An Irishman obeys.

Well believe it or not on 04/03/2022 it's a friday

Based and kino


>Ireland will be a neutral country for the world war. 'twould be unbecoming for us to not be.

Attached: dev.jpg (1177x1600, 165.28K)

Do you think Ireland should have a stronger military or would it be a waste of money?