The collapse of the USSR was a mistake

The collapse of the USSR was a mistake.

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And to think, it'll happen again.

>Tfw listening to some old USSR songs
>Come across song "Wondrous Future"
Poor bastards.

the promise of the golden age is over
we got over it, americans apparently did not.

Please call Putin and tell him that the USSR is dead and over.

what is happening right now is a direct consequence of the collapse of the USSR and you can't argue against my logic.

The rise of the USSR was a mistake.

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The ussr prevented world war since the proletariat of the world had representation in world politics.

Ever since it fell, we started to see wars being waged by the contradictions of capitalism

Its only natural russian imperialism have clased with american, europea, japanese and chinese imperialism.

The future is gonna be ugly

>the collapse of the USSR
So Soviet corruption is to blame?

chaos is the natural order of things.

>slavs killing each other over nationalist bullshit when they were both better off under a strong unified pan-slavic ussr
gorbachev, and the free market were a mistake

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Not really sure how accurate that is. My parents are ingrians who moved here in the 90s and the living standards were astronomically higher here its like moving to another planet compared to ussr

Soulless vs Soulless

>soulless gay castle
>soul concrete robot

>My parents are ingrians who moved here in the 90s
so they left the ussr after it collapsed and became a massive shithole that never recovered?
Also finland is one of the highest hdi best countries on the planet it makes Canada look like a shithole, are you really going to fault the post serfdom state that was destroyed by nazis (you colluded with), for not looking like a EU member puppet with a population of 5 million?

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>so they left the ussr after it collapsed and became a massive shithole that never recovered?
Theyre born 1964 and 1967 and lived most of their life in ussr. They had constant shrotgages of every day products having everything in your
> are you really going to fault the post serfdom state that was destroyed by nazis (you colluded with)
All of europe was bombed to stone age not just ussr. Never understand people like you ussr was an oppressive country targeting ethnic minorites like my parents who were always seen as inferior people and potential enemies of the people etc.

>targeting ethnic minorites
jesus christ you are fucking brainwashed

Youre brainwashed if you think that doesnt exist and russian superiority isnt the core part of russian culture and always has been. Just look at how you're justifying this ukraine conflict

You're applying western templates to the culture you know literally nothing about outside of how it's shown in the western media and told to you by your dissident parents.
You never lived here. You don't understand it. Don't talk about something you understand if you don't want people to disregard your opinion as an opinion of uninformed person.

Most intellectual Mexican

USSR was a mistake, a shallow fetishization of Marx which was unfit for such a backward country.
Even Imperial Russia was a mistake, that prison of nations.

If you're targeted simply by your ethnic background what would you call that?
Russians never have any self criticism it has never come to terms with their imperial past and the crimes theyve done over the centuries it's either ignored or praised. Can you think any other post colonial power acting like Russia does?
Everytime you point something out it's always
>blah blah blah you dont understand stupid westoid brainwashed by western media
Yet you have always have expert views on western countries and critize all you want. I have the advange of being part russian and know exactly how you people behave

Which country should Russians make now, so that you become happy

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>Yet you have always have expert views on western countries and critize all you want
Because i actually lived on the west and i saw it's retarded hierarchical brave new world system first hand and it's cancer.
You haven't lived here. You don't have the experience.

mistake implies a choice, you don't get that when you demographic collapses

So you should have a free pass on doing all the shit because you're not part of this "new world system". Imagine if we started treating russians the same way russia acts like. Now that would be real russophobia not whats happening now. Russians are always acting like victims when theyve always been the oppressors.

KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn claimed the following:

>The USSR would cease to be an entity to fool the United States by undergoing a false flag liberalisation of former Soviet republics, yet the KGB would be operating behind the scenes and are still truly committed to the cause
>The Sino-Soviet split was a ruse to trick the United States into funding and supporting the CCP as a buffer against the USSR
>Predicted the fall of their Berlin Wall in the 60s
>Former socialist republics would integrate with the EU and subvert it into political neutrality, leading to the US leaving Europe. After this has happened the mask will slip and the reformed USSR will gobble up Europe without US support.

B-b-but the KGB was stopped by Yeltsin!

>Man who spent 15 years as a KGB Officer and former director of the FSB has been the leader of Russia for decades

This makes sense of everything Yuri Bezmenov told us and Klaus Schwab has connections to Putin and is also a communist.

Putin is well connected to Schwab and the Young Global Leaders initiative is nothing but a communist sleeper cell organisation used to subvert the West.

Did I mention Putin is a Young Global Leader? ;)

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I will never be happy.

>grand parents are survivors of the siege of leningrad
>ayy you have weird sounding name you probably were a nazi collaborator better to keep eye on you
Ofc russians doesnt understand this theyre russians

That's what the graph is telling you bro. There was a brief period where it looked like the USSR was almost caught up in the 60s, then stagnation, then implosion, then stagnation again, all while the West continued to grow.

Ah yes the post-USSR soviet states are definitely still in the grasp of Moscow, thats why they're currently undergoing war games in the Ukraine who is loyal to the crypto-USSR :)
fucking retarded gorilla