Disregarding the civil war, is Yemen the most comfy and soulful third world country?

Disregarding the civil war, is Yemen the most comfy and soulful third world country?

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A lot of the mountainous areas of the Middle East seem very nice, a shame I'll probably never feel safe going there as an American though

If you pretend to be Muslim and are respectful (cover up body, do not stare at women or make offensive remarks, and know some of the culture) you might be ok. Honestly seems pretty comfy, sitting on the roof of your stone cliff side house chewing khat as the sun sets, talking with your friends, VGH.


>i suffer in yemen


>Yemeni people would be having happy, thriving peaceful lives if wypepo minded their own bussiness

i thought yemen was a desert, how it look like that?

>wait till he reads about Salalah in Oman

Not if you're one of the following:
>gay woman

Is that the great wall of china?

But I'm normal.

VGH, home...

What the fuck, it's hawaii with camels

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for me, it's Soqotra.

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VGH the alien islands of Yemen

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>UAErabs want to destroy this
how do we stop them bros?

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yeah, buying gun there is as easy as buying a toothbrush

SOVL (tarim)

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>that one kid casually walking on water
how did he do it?