
Jedward edition

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Sanction my bollocks

hello I'm an Irish named John has anyone seen Edward?

Cute lesbians

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all australian women do

what was the exit plan?

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not really fan of springsteen's the river.

too much cringe romance. too much pop pandering. its like the practise for born in the usa. think this is when he starts to lose it even though some of the songs are good fun. nebraska the one after is his last proper good album where he momentarily came to his senses somewhat before the deeper plunge into born in the usa nonsense. tbf he does bring some nebraska into that album but he is too far gone pandering to commwrciality and the american right.

I'm actually very good at talking to women as long as they don't have the possibility of being sexual objects (e.g. if they're ugly or above 30)

It's only if there's an outside chance of sexual encounters that I become truly terrified of them

How badly has this lad fucked up? Could have got an easy flight out of Kiev by now but now he's left it too late and seems committed to go down with his ship sinking.

Do you think the Russians will execute him or just throw him in the gulag?

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Ladies and gentleman
John Edward

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He'll fly away to Israel when SHTF


Cop or not?!

>he thinks that gulags still exist
Utter state of British madrasa education

in 3 days, look to the west with the dawning of the sun

Why not just smear the walls with shit?

he'll get a helicopter to brussels soon enough

Would love to spaff inside 'em

crying shame what we did to the Middle East and that area of Africa close to it
reckon we should send money there instead of europe

Would literally bet my entire net worth that there are SAS and navy seals fighting Ukraine under cover right now along with polish, French, German and god knows how many more special forces

bit busy lad
consider the pallette for the rest of the room, too much for me

eminem and slim shady in rare photo together

Honestly who cares about Ukraine.

Its basically if England gave wales independence and then they started discussing with Russia to allow Russian military bases in Wales. Of course England would invade Wales.

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Yanks really don't get banter do they?
Is it autism?

I much prefer to deflect and blame everything in the Middle East on brits. They started fucking up that region long before us anyway

In Ukraine woopsie

I consider myself a White Man first, a Christian second, and an Antipodean third

Thing is I actually think he's gone a bit mental. I think he seriously means it when he talks like he's going to go down fighting. Maybe he wants to be a martyr for Ukraine. There was a speech he gave earlier today where I swear he looked drunk. I think he's realising just how deep shit he is in now it's clear NATO isn't coming to his rescue.

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sounds like a pretty big happening

Wonder if Jocko Willink will get himself out there

your going to want to get out quick lad
there's trouble on, have you not heard?

>he wants to be a martyr for Ukraine
who the fuck does he think he is? lmao

cocko willy-ink

30 minutes into Euphoria and there is a LOT of drug-taking and now a tranny getting fucked in the arse
No wonder American culture is so fucked now if this is what they're all crazy about

dunno I don't live near the border doubt I'd notice

t. Dad was a green beret

He’s played a blinder mate. He’ll be times person of the year and get to safety long before things get dicey in Kiev

Really cute lad in the question time audience

You call it having 'fucked up' because you're so used to spineless 'leaders' ditching their nation the moment the slightest bit of adversity happens.

Zelensky is a fucking hero. He's going to die in his bunker with his country. I salute him.

your dad was a hat?
bit weird really that

seriously doubt

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cop yeah

ukraine is reddit af

>Maybe he wants to be a martyr for Ukraine

What a crazy, unhinged thing to want when you're the president of a country and you get invaded and they start murdering your children. Why don't you just shut up, you absolute moron?

>fucked now
It's always been fucked
American culture is complete and utter cancer

daffodils are out

What does your dad reckon? Would the US conduct an operation like that knowing the implications of it being discovered?

>You call it having 'fucked up' because you're so used to spineless 'leaders' ditching their nation the moment the slightest bit of adversity happens.

>Zelensky is a fucking hero. He's going to die in his bunker with his country. I salute him.

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>Zelensky is a fucking hero
his shit handling of geopolitics is what got Ukraine in this mess

Bland wallpapers are exactly what I'm trying to fight against
For too long we've put up with basic cream walls in every fucking house in the country
Well no more

what could you possibly doubt you spiv?


The problem is almost all the population has been born post WW2, and they think, or liked to think, we lived in a post-conventional war world
Just last year there was some leftypol prat on /brit/ who used to talk about how we would never see a conventional war again, itll just be guerilla wars in shitholes, because nukes are a paradigm shift
I told him how stupid and shortsighted he was but he wouldn’t listen.

This is a big slap in the face to all those people who are now worried that their world view of arrogant ‘western’ superiority and untouchable status in the world is a lot more fragile than they thought

one man could end all this

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he died 10 years ago but reckon he did clandestine things since he rarely could tell us about what he was doing overseas x

>eagles of death metal
tune desu

can't beleive we declared war on russia to help the trannies out

Fucking hell, you're a mong. The issue in Ukraine has existed long before he came into office.