
what is conscription like in your country?

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I avoided my conscription teehee

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Third world indicator
>Inb4 tf tp
Yes, we are third world.

Could you imagine the US with required conscription for all able bodied persons aged 18-25?

pretty shit you either do some useless shit like wash dishes or make food or you have to do actual exhausting shit like run around in full kit camp for a week outside when it's wet and freezing and get woken in the middle of the night cause you have to larp that you get attacked by aircraft and have to crawl put on your ABC mask and if you're unlucky CO decides okay this guy got hit so you get to carry him + his equipment for the remainder of the day's march. I'm glad I was the former and only had to do 1 field week in basic training

Like this

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>all able bodied persons aged 18-25?
>Includes the women
I like you

Unironically one of the most enjoyable years in my life

t Panzer jaeger

It's fun because you do things with other people.
It's not fun because you are forced to do them and you get nothing to shit pay.

it's fun

this, but with twinks

I was born in the last year with conscription but I avoided it because I have allergies

It sucked when yoy did it but it's nice to think about afterwards. I was i the navy so we only had 3 months of basic training (shooting, tenting etc) and then 6 months which was like being in school with uniform where we learned basic technical stuff and safety at sea. But the dumbshits who were responsible for the training couldn't handle covid so I was at home for like 6-7 weeks and did nothing.
T. Zoomer

>the US
>all able bodied persons
We'll only need one car. Maybe a short bus.

Conscription here is a fake and you just clean stuff and march a little.
Is basically not existent but they dont want to get rid of it.

like being a man with your buddies, going camping with guns n shit, patrolling the border at 3AM catching illegal shitskins with your german shepherd, pointing guns at them, holding the dog back not to eat their faces.
Good toilets all day.

Pretty good.

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the worst part is that you have to wake up at 6AM and you can't chill though, you gotta be standing up all day. I don't think I ever got more than 6 hours sleep in the army. Also not seeing a single female for 3 months straight.


If you fail the main test youre left for an additional year, just like in school