Why did Vikings raid the British Isles?

Weren't they the same race as the Anglo-Saxons? Shouldn't they have considered each other one people, one nation?

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brits hat a shitton of money stashed in their chuches are soy-virgin population who didn't know how to fight because they lived on a fucking island isolated from the rest of the europe so they were like americans kinda.

Stupid question you CUNT

>paw print over the womb
Do white women really?

Are you retarded?

>Weren't they the same race as the Anglo-Saxons?
Have you ever tried reading a history book?

man i was about to say stupid b8 but people are actually falling for it

Getting fucked by animals was a sign of strength amongst norse people

I watch Kings and Generals youtube channel. But only the videos about Mongolia, China or Japan.

I would let those women R A I D deez nuz

Proof here, in nordic religion the holy horse of odin (sleipnir) was concieved after his son was fucked by a stallion with a massive womb tearing cock, and Loki's survival of said encounter made him be considered the strongest of the Gods

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how does it feel that your women are the cum dumpsters of the world? the whoriest of the whores

>amerigolem education

GOD I wish a troupe if viking women would come into my village, hoist me over their shoulders and have loving sex with me

lmao, are racist ideologues really this babybrained?

What’s stupid about it? Pol told me something something all one people no brother wars magic white United skin tones and all that and if whites now are cucked than whites in the past must have been super based since no Jews ruling over all of whites society then but they still killed each other what gives

they were genetically and culturally related but the germanic tribes were never united.

Not sure if I had a stroke reading this or if it's just written badly

>other people are stupid so I must pretend to be retarded to own them

This is how my 6th birthday was like

Stupid coomer dream

What flag is this? I can't see it on my phone. Why does it look like Thai flag? Are you mirror Thailand??

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Yet another quality post from ladyboy land

Costa Rica, now, go to bed and get some sleep, you schizo.



There's a grain of truth to it. Most of the people who migrated to England were Jutes and Saxons, Jutes from Jutland obviously but the Saxons who migrated mainly came from just south of Jutland not the modern state of Saxony, there's like three Saxony's in Germany, so if you consider that the original raiders were Danish, then yes they were very similar people. Although Danes originally come from Skane in Sweden

Yes, THANK YOU. Finally someone who knows European history.

Learn to space your sentence, holy shit.

Gotcha sexpat.


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those are too white to be viking

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