Do people in your country fall for this scam?

do people in your country fall for this scam?

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nice VPN moshe

No we’re too high IQ

seargant gomez, please stop larping.

I guess it is nice if not forced but i have bitter experiences as an ex part of a family and from my emotional/sex history and i bet the same applies from my part as well.

I don't wanna say i have given it up but i will neither struggle for it.

I refuse to force more souls into this shitty world just because the elites want more slave workers and consumers

Less and less people fall for it through the years

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Moshe would want marriage

I feel like I'm falling for this trap help

This will be good in the long term, I think
It will force us to rethink our cities

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No, thats based.

Yeah, i would rather do what good i do and let the rest be reabsorbed.
To a degree life is a meme, it's very few the real and healthy things.

I'll die alone and that makes me very depressed

based on what?

It shouldn't

I refuse to waste my precious life gifted to me by God speaking to women

everyone dies alone
even if they have a spouse and children
death is something that happens to you on your own
it is never a shared experience

I'm not convinced men really love their children outside of very not worldly or introspective white guys. My preference would be to spread my genes and leave.

>marry and reproduce
oh no, the horror

based on the word of God

Not enough

Yes, it's pretty shit.

idk, my parents have been hapily married for a while now
Suer they fight sometimes, but I'm sure they'd be far worse off if they separated
I gues you just gotta find the Right Person™