Not at war

>Not at war
>Does literally nothing
>Still wins the war anyway

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I really scared of them
They're literary unstoppable

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China's lack of a voice in this conflict has been really creepy. It's like you can feel their presence even though you can't see them visibly. China truly is playing 11D chess.

will you go banzai for japan?

We should all unite in EU against their threat, my fellow European.

They've transcended everybody else. Like the snickering secret genius once his rivals destroyed themselves
They deserve the mantle of world spirit

This is what happens when your country is run by 140iq technocrats and not insane monkes/senile pedos

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This is why I'm an Asian male nationalist.

ahh, the taste of western demise

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To unlock the high IQ you must read the Xi Trilogy.
Only then you will crawl out of the slime and start winning.

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>do nothing

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Very Dhaoist approach!
Straight from Sun Tzu.

>Galvanized NATO in Europe and abroad, while also seeing a strong rallying of the West and of Western-aligned countries
>China wins
pick one. Theyre absolutely not happy with this

I for one welcome the Chinese century.
I shall assemble a chinese qt harem and populate Macau with hapas as my ancestors did.

They're less happy with Russia invading a BRI member and torpedoing billions worth of investments. Xi literally told Putin to either end it quick or start negotiating because invasion is not how you do business in the 21st century.

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what's his endgame?

NATO is and always will be America's bitch. China learned this when UK, France and germany send a fleet into the SCS last year. Why should they worry about NATO when NATO can't even fight Russia directly at their backyard? Do you really think that NATO would be willing to actually send their fleets to the SCS in the event of a actual WWIII? China is much more worried about a russian backstab, which they don't to worry about anymore.

To crash the west, with no survivors

liberation of sk and japan, taiwan when?

Trite but true, Asians legitimately have higher IQ ON AVERAGE than most "Westerners" ON AVERAGE. Not racist this is just ON AVERAGE.