Everything reeks of weed, I thought you were joking

Everything reeks of weed, I thought you were joking

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Amsterdam centre unironically reeks after werd everywhere you go

what does weed smell like?

>Weed the city
>Everything reeks of weed
Yeah i was surprised too

its this weird mix of sweet, rancid and herbal
once you smell weed once you're able to tell it from a kilometer away it's really weird

like herb

>go to amsterdam to experience foreign culture
>every third person is british
There is no escape.

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>go to gigantic international tourist trap to experience foreign culture

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Like skunk

Rent a house or go to a hotel in the middle of the country then rent a car too the country is tiny as fuck. I was there a week and was nice, only two days in Amsterdam tho.

Very distinct smell which once you recognize it can be smelled from miles away.
That said you can't really smell someone who has been smoking, it only smells when it's lit up

I warned you about amsterdam bro

to me, it smells somewhat like lavender and idk what

You absolutely can from their clothes and hair in a closed environment.

My sweat sometimes smells like weed.
My friends that smoke weed say it's indistinguishable from the real deal.

Your friend smells your sweat

You've probably smelled it, from what I know weed is popular in Israel

I just had a shitty deodorant. No need to get close in that case.


I have the same problem, very weird

black people