To the countries in red

To the countries in red.

What are you doing? What's your diet? Post some of your national dishes, recipes and traditional foods, what are your routines?

Attached: 1646289714227.png (857x601, 184.64K) wonder they're beheading each other all the time

>check the source of the map
>it doesn't exist

This is just the murder rates that some retard changed form testosterone rates.
Non-mexican hispanics are incels and sissies

Attached: 1625506913372.png (467x480, 37.93K)

>descended from mass murderers, warlords and rapists
what did you expect?

why isnt all of Europe red, then?

Tortillas, beans, rice, beef, chicken. Some or all of these make up 99% of my day to day meals.

because they're descended from peasant cucks, especially after the world wars that killed off every healthy male alive

you don't realise how much i suffer as an asian male

Attached: 1633007684782.jpg (474x346, 16.08K)

K-Pop is getting you guys up on the hierarchy though

Holy kek, brown people cope will never stop being hilarious
>ooga booga we uncivilised simians who kill each other in broad daylight
>see this testosterone (murder rate) map I made!
True, my grandfather was a peasant (who was in Berlin in 1945 after fighting through the North African and Italian campaigns in the Free French Forces)
Meanwhile you're a rapebaby but let's not talk about that

Asian includes pajeets and pakis in that graph.
East asian males probably do better than them and maybe better than majority of non-mexican hispanics

t. low test cuck

you sound upset

Attached: 1630198769381.webm (576x320, 1.15M)

You don't suffer, Nguyen.

But I am calm almost all the time.

>Meanwhile you're a rapebaby but let's not talk about that
That's a myth, black and indigenous girls wanted those colonizers seeds, no rape was involved here.
Rapebabies are black north americans

Attached: 1630742400373.png (227x222, 74.03K)

I eat literally 10 kg of beef a month.

The rest I have no idea.

But I don't eat sugar and rarely just white flour. I hate processed food.

I go to the gym 2x a day and I train jiu jitsu 3x a week. I sunbathe without sunscreen. Only that.

can't suffer in brazil

On the food side, healthy lifestyle option and BVNDA is true. everything else I SUFFER.

But I don't know if there's much more that matters.

My grandfather stayed on the beach all day, he had 3 different wives, they supported him.