Have an American girl friend

>have an American girl friend
>talking about Ukraine
>show her picture indicating how 66% of Americans cannot locate Ukraine on a world map
>she says "Ugh, Americans are so dumb, I hate it here sometimes, they're so ignorant of the world"
>a few days later
>she tells me how happy she is that Slovenia is accepting Ukrainian refugees
>told her I didn't hear about it, but I'm sure it's Slovakia and not Slovenia, since Slovenia does not border Ukraine
>she says "haha you're right"

Why do Americans believe that they're "not like the rest", when they're EXACTLY like the rest?

Attached: 127942a7c905172b33821e1b4eef0cf9c2603ce2a1a17fb6d2b3343ed59a751e.jpg (820x642, 129.27K)

Canadians are pretty much identical to Americans

Heres another
>We aren't just poorer Americans, we swear

Why do Canadians believe that they're "not like the Americans", when they're EXACTLY like the Americans?

I guarantee you the average canadian doesn’t know the difference between slovakia and slovenia, and which of them borders ukraine.


Same for average Russian to be honest

I can assure you, Canadian education is nothing like American education.

Attached: pisa-2018.png (2400x1800, 436.15K)

Bro thats operative word here

Nobody in the world does, but ameritards can't even spot their own country in the map

try again when you border a red country in like 20 years. Canada is now property of Mexico, hermano.

To be fair. Not being able to locate a big country bordering Russia and Poland who has been in the news constantly since 2014 is a bit different than mixing up Slovenia and Slovakia.

Fun fact. The Swedish education minister got caught faking our PISA numbers.


I wouldn't be surprised if people thought Czechoslovakia still existed

>Sweden is one the best educated countries on the planet

The thing is, well educated does not mean smart in general. Academia is not the be-all-end-all of intellect

You'd be surprised. A lot of American news media still accidentally drop "Czechoslovakia" sometimes.

We're secretly self-hating, but most are too dumb to actually realize it so they remain happy.

he just said he wouldn’t be surprised if someone did that

The absolute state of education.

Americans don't bother with most of the world's locations because they're not covered in the K-12 educational curriculum.
History only teachers the main countries worth talking about, and Americans still have a difficult time finding where Greek and Egypt are on the map.
American history is mainly spent covering American history, with a huge bulk pertaining to slavery. This is where you get the American mentality towards blacks.
In my experience, we covered Mesopotamia, mainly Babylon, Egypt, Gayreek, the Roman Empire, China, Japan, England, India at one point, then American history, with great emphasis on slavery and WW2. The only class that explored other countries in modern times was a global government class, and that only covered Brazil, Iran, China, Russia, Mexico, and America.
Don't blame Americans for being retarded with maps, blame their educational system.

ok but can Ukraine locate Wyoming on a map?

I think she just mistook the name, rather than confused the locations.

PISA is worthless and actively worsens education just to get meaningless numbers.
Someone posted a paper or something that goes into it a while back I forgot what it's called.

You're a mutt, but chinky.

>only 4 Chinese cities are tested
Really activates the almonds.

Why do Americans believe that they're "not like the rest", when they're EXACTLY like the rest?
Bold words coming from a canadian

>slovakia vs. slovenia
literally nobody cares, cry more

>all 4 of those are cities

American education rearing its head again.