Are Americans proud of this or ashamed of this?

Are Americans proud of this or ashamed of this?

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Not really proud or ashamed, but many scattered attempts to justify it

not my problem

Nuclear weapons? I'd imagine proud, it's quite an achievement

Neither, it is what it is


No the incident.

Proud of building the bomb, but not of using it. Still totally justified.

Bombs or Japan? Humans are superpredator superorganisms, this is what it takes to reach the top.

Japs are as filthy as any other human. Until they drop the racemixing they deserve everything they get.

Now i am become gay, the Destroyer of Anus

Being proud of building it goes hand in hand with being proud of using it.

If they had truly decided in their hearts that it was something they could justify, it wouldn't be on the agenda as often as it is now.

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Not really. It was a tremendous scientific achievement. But I find it tragic that Japan's refusal to unconditionally surrender necessitated its use.

They're proud of it, but it was a war crime. Had the nazis won, it would've been their version of the holocaust.

The manhattan project was named such because they basically took all these jews from Manhattan, many of whom had fled from Germany, and shipped them out to the Nevada desert to build their bomb. I wonder how many "American" scientists were really involved with that.

Do you think it was justified?

George Bush fucking the Middle East was worse, it’s the same thing what Putin is doing now.

we fr fr took a big W that day no cap my nigga


How was it any more of a war crime than the Allies bombing Berlin or Tokyo?

Do you think firebombing 10's of millions of civilians in Europe was justified? Of course not, the US is like this monstrous regime that massacres civilians until they can get unconditional surrender terms. It's completely evil shit. And then the US occupied many of these countries, including Japan, and wrote their constitutions for them. So they aren't even free to have the type of government they want, the US imposed it on them.

It's just awful shit. They justified it all with the doctrine of "total war" and some napoleon quote about keeping wars swift and brutal. Nothing is justified here.


We were not born yet or near adulthood during those events. If your father killed a man then died,, should you pay the price for his crime?

Neither. Just did what was necessary.

It would be the same if the middle east was all basically part of the Uniter States 30 years ago and is the border of the United states with a massive international military coalition trying to set up their control there
It's not even a comparison


You would think so but you're wrong.

It was legally not a war crime until later, morality aside.

No person is proud of building destructive weapons if he is repelled by destruction.

This logic doesn't hold up to even casual inspection, because you can be proud of a capability without being proud of one given example of how it was applied.

That's is incorrect.
Groves named it the Manhattan project because it's first main office was in his first office for it in Manhattan

I am not joking.

We are proud to have been at the forefront of technological innovation to master the atom. We are not so proud of having used the atomic bomb to end the war, but it is still more or less considered necessary to end it and save more life in total. It is a solemn memory.
Still proud we got to it before a hostile power did.
Anyway you asked a question and you got your answer.


Both. Depends on the circumstances really. I tend to use it as a talking point when I'm arguing with japs on the internet.

I remember when being taught in 5th grade about hiroshima and nagasaki my teacher very carefully taught us how it was neccesary because sometimes in war you have to bomb civilians so that soldiers will no longer have a country to fight for and thus surrender.
(also the whole thing about how many people would die if not done otherwise)

All is fair in love and war

The US is the only country worth being nuked and everybody laughs at if it’s actually nuked

Hack teacher. It was introduced to us as something with different viewpoints and a moral quandry.

It prevented the deaths of hundreds of thousands if not millions of Japanese soldiers and civilians.

I'm from Utah and we don't teach subjective morality.
In highschool I had a teacher that had us write a paper on why socialism/communism is bad.