Why did Poland scam the world with this broken unfinished and extremely boring dumpster fire?

Why did Poland scam the world with this broken unfinished and extremely boring dumpster fire?

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Modern capitalism only cares about short term gains for shareholders.

And we did it too
Sorry world

I don't understand video game fans. A big game is either a 10/10 masterpiece or it's literally unplayable garbage according to you. There is no "Shoot for the moon - even if you miss you'll land among the stars" to you guys. If it's not exactly what the crazy hype made you expect then it's worthless.

have you actually played it? even on the patch that came out last week it's broken, unfinished and boring as fuck
this is not the game to be a contrarian on

I will not forgive puten if STALKER 2 suffers any harm

This game was unironically unplayable dude, it was so bad that Microsoft and Sony pulled it from sale on their consoles because it just flat out didn't work.

Fucking this. I want Ukraine to be okay just so STALKER 2 finally comes out.

>This game was unironically unplayable dude, it was so bad that Microsoft and Sony pulled it from sale on their consoles because it just flat out didn't work.
no other game has ever been so bad and broken that it got removed from online stores lol

Very satisfying seeing socialists body polish capitalists again.

Attached: genshin team.jpg (720x540, 33.7K)

I liked it. I tried to really get in character and think and act like V, so I made it my main goal to remove the chip from my head at any cost. I cut a deal with hanako and killed yorinobu just so they would remove the chip. The ending was fucking kino and hit me pretty hard. Now you're in space, all your friends resent you for siding with the corpos, you can upload your mind or go back to earth and die. I chose the latter.

Played the unpatched PS4 version, holy shit lmao
Unlike old capitalism??

Even unpatched on PC was bad, the bugs and game breaking issues were almost constant. I still managed to finish the game but I hear some console players were more unlucky, with one very common bug completely locking progress (I recall it was the part where you do the assault on Arasaka tower and the turrets were accidentally coded to be invincible).

I don't know but it's funny to think the studio will never be recieved well again now all their old talent left and they are bloated and international

I got through like few of the tutorial missions and had hours of videos of me just messing around with different bugs, it was glorious

I would say so. I don't think in old capitalism people expected record profits on next quarter.

It was honestly glorious. Idk if it happened to anyone else but all the black NPCs in Pacifica had no skin and were just floating eyes and hair, it was bizarre kek.

Check this vid out if you haven't already, it's maximum kek.

Its just technology that evolved. Thanks to capitalism and their unending hunger we'll keep having shitty games just rushed out to make a quick buck until people stop paying for those.
It happened once in 1983 but I'm not sure its still possible in 2022

polish are master thiefs

They have Witcher lol

Even PC on low is better than PS4, Sony took it off the store for 6 months that's unprecedented they never get involved like that.

putin was right all along

Nigga that's a gatcha game. Stop touching kids and play something good for once

>I don't know but it's funny to think the studio will never be recieved well again now all their old talent left and they are bloated and international
don't underestimate NPCs and redditfags
see: bethesda.

Why does the logo look like a shark?

Hell yeah that's the reason I got it, couldn't believe they'd release it as that broken, honestly it was worse than in the video because at least in the video some parts were running smoothly. Of course old-gen console with no patches is the worst possible case but hey, they released it like that
Aren't those games known for their jank and W3 known for poor launch too? Never paid attention to it at the time tbqh, just heard such things