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I am unironically straight and don't find any of those women attractive--they're archetypical cut-and-paste "good-looking White girls."

she's the only cute one

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I did this in ibiza (crash some random thottie photoshoot and then bang one of them later) and I didnt even pay for my ticket there lmfao, imagine paying for sex yikerinos

Half Armenian bvll

nice beard gringo

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There's nothing wrong with being a chinlet so long as you don't try to hide it.

Americans on this board claim they suffer...

>they're archetypical cut-and-paste "good-looking White girls."
is that bad? they're all cum-rags anyway. existing for the sole purpose of being used.

right, thanks in advance

only the second woman from left looks good
everyone else looks soulless

I just don't find that aesthetic appealing. I understand and can appreciate that most of these women are conventionally attractive. However, I'm not keen on waifish supermodels.

Plus, most of them look incredibly vapid (which they'd have to be to hang around with that imbecile).

is he a manlet?

Didn't he lose all his money or some shit. Kinda a loser

Those women are "generic hot" nothing really stands out to me desu. Kinda boring.

No he's 5'9

quintessential SIMPdian post

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>Plus, most of them look incredibly vapid (which they'd have to be to hang around with that imbecile).
water is wet, yes; they're california LA bimbos - and every single man on earth would douse them in jizz, given the chance.

Just not your part of it, gringo. Sorry

I wish I could have sex with one woman, once. Then I could kill myself.

I agree with you, Indianbro. I always found interesting that girls can use make-up to remove all their flaws (scars, acne, dark sides, enhance eyes etc etc) but the result is often looking all the same. What the hell?