I just learnt Northern Italy is the richest place in Europe on average

I just learnt Northern Italy is the richest place in Europe on average

Attached: 1200px-Italia_settentrionale.svg.png (1200x1416, 159.76K)

I just learnt that too. What a coincidence! We should sex now!!!

Wow sex with Georgian woman yes please
unless ur a dude then fuck off

Monaco is southern France, not northern Italy

why doesn't france annex monaco?

According to which parameter?
Northrn Italy is rich but Switzerland is twice as rich.


Our rich need it for vacations (and avoid taxes)

Please visit Treviso

Please come here and breed with our women

Do Italian women like Polish men?

italian women don't mix, those who do ironically go for local second generation moroccans or albanians

I suffer

Attached: Itsoverwholesome.jpg (479x757, 80.41K)

Good, we should keep the med blood going.

Is life nice there?

He's just coping
Cope, your brown women love Slavic men

Attached: 269006529_2069220879912910_8771758866416600750_n.jpg (720x714, 69.35K)

>those who do ironically go for local second generation moroccans or albanians

Attached: bvdasd.png (619x360, 41.39K)

come on croatanon, I've asked 1000 times.
Just right click on the folder, left click properties, and show us the folder size, don't be ashamed

3/4 of the foreign marriages are italian male-foreign female, the few women who mix prefer local moroccans to slavs

Attached: 185288996949.png (1253x705, 68K)

>the few women who mix prefer local moroccans to slavs
Do you know how per capita works? Your shit**le is full of Romanian "east euro" sluts who are basically med and Morrocans men lmao

Attached: gbvtrfe.png (360x444, 15.92K)

I will marry a qt Polentoni girl and you will cope, rage and seethe in a dark corner