Amerikkkan soldiers sitting on gold stolen from Iraq

>amerikkkan soldiers sitting on gold stolen from Iraq

Attached: IMG_20220301_230339_773.jpg (674x674, 110.23K)

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Gimme dat


You have been spewing antiamerican shit for 3 days straight now. Go outside and get a life loser

That gold was a direct threat to democracy and the American way of living. God bless these brave men for protecting us at all times!

Americans are so evil...

shut up fat

there was a shitty movie in the 90s about some soldiers stealing sadam shit and taking gold lingots as souvenirs

It was Saddam's horde that he himself stole.

It wasn't stolen it was seized
Saddam was using that gold to pay for WMDs just trust me bro

>name is Brown

I hate my country so goddamn much

Des milliers de lingots d'or… saisis par des soldats américains, en Irak, pendant la guerre de 2003

Sur les trois premières photos, on peut distinguer facilement le drapeau des États-Unis sur le bras des soldats, ainsi qu'un logo identique à celui de la brigade "Airbrone", présent sur des photos du déploiement de la 173e brigade Airborne en Irak, en 2003, visibles dans cette galerie d'archives.

what race is the top left guy (pvt. brown)?

American underclass prole slave race

Brown people shouldn't have so much gold anyway.

Uh, goldbros???

What, you would invade Iraq and NOT steal their gold? pussy

it doesn't matter: he has gold now



Probably a tiny amount compared to what they looted from Libya.

in USA he is white


theres also that movie set in ww2 about stealing nazi gold,
Its like a rectruitment poster, invade evil country and steal their gold

They will never invade us, hahaha.