One of the richest states

>One of the richest states
>Positive migratory balance
>Good weather all the year
>Latinx women
>literally has crocodiles

How can non-Floridians compete?

Attached: florida.jpg (1024x922, 60.25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

By living anywhere else.

>Positive migratory balance

Also the panhandle is a shithole, needs to be nuked (Alongside alabama)

t. has no crocodiles

>filled with Cubans
>positive migratory balance

Cope, you wish you were a Floridian BVLL

Attached: publix pepe.jpg (447x458, 48.47K)

>all of florida is just dade county

I mean internal migration. The richest states are depopulating.

You have no crocodiles btw

the panhandle is culturally deep south unlike the rest of Florida

We don't consider Fluorideans human for a reason.

Attached: florida.png (701x368, 68.52K)

which is why it's a complete shithole. I had to go to there for my cousin's wedding and the people disgusted me. Looked like pic related.

Attached: 1640290222745.png (788x1055, 1.74M)

Bottom Florida Man is a better human than a faggot like you

What a big, enormous, huge, considerable and substatial cope

pretty much the stereotypical southern kek, that part of Florida should just secede and join Alabama or Georgia or whatever

>Bottom Florida Man is a better human than a faggot like you
>What a big, enormous, huge, considerable and substatial cope

Attached: florida2.png (685x337, 91.92K)

I'll be honest with you user but publix tendies > pubsubs

What's the best sandwich place in america?

probably a local one but I don't really eat subs that often.

best franchise place?
>but I don't really eat subs that often.
Honestly me neither but I'm curious

Not sure at most I've eaten cuban sandwiches at local places and I've eaten at subways before but it tastes awful.

Local food is something like:

Only Miami has Cubans. PRchads are taking over Orlando and the rest of the state soon

>I've eaten at subways before but it tastes awful.
Pretty much the exact same thing here then, I guess I'll have to try some local places, thanks user!

Can confirm, there are a shit load of ricans in Orlando. Also Venezuelans

>>One of the richest states
Bottom 15 in gdp per capita
>>Positive migratory balance
All 90 year old geriatrics
>>Good weather all the year
Rainforest levels of humidity
>>Latinx women
Mostly whyte-Cubanx goblinas
Where doesn't?
>>literally has crocodiles
I take everything back. Floridians I kneel.