Why are all Americans and non-Americans under the delusion that California is the most worthless state...

Why are all Americans and non-Americans under the delusion that California is the most worthless state? It has the highest GDP and subsidizes all other states. Californians invented the personal computer and the world wide web, which you may be abusing right know, and handle 1/3 of all US imports. And you want to know the reason why it has so many homeless people? Because EVERY STATE SENDS THEIR HOMELESS PEOPLE TO CALIFORNIA. Statistically, the worst states, by education, health, and prosperity, are Mississippi, Arkansas, and West Virginia.

I'll remind you to stop talking shit about California, especially the anons from flyovers and narco states. "B-but we have le SOUL-*gets beheaded by chainsaw on Liveleak*


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Hey, don't talk shit about Mississippi.

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It has the highest black population in America, "shit" is the ONLY thing you can say about it.

Don't forget that flyovers are all fat

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>Leaf defending Califagia
Nice to see beta americans helping beta americans

Because it is incredibly wasted potential, and the fact is very evident. Nobody has ever cared about smaller backwaters. California was soaring in the 80's and then crumbled into ugly shit.

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I don't know about the economy but I do know we don't need or have a street-shitting map, tent-cities full of homeless people and train robberies like it's the fucking wild west.

B-but it's all le black people!!!! Not Americans!!!

California has been ruined by neoliberalism. The state is run by a bunch of out-of-touch Hollywood and Silicon Valley elites who think tranny rights are more important then helping literal poverty camps.
The state is a cyberpunk dystopia made real.
It's just a disgusting way to run a society and it needs to be derided so it doesn't spread to other places.

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if its so great why is everyone moving out of it retard

They're not moving into your trailer park, Cletus.

Its crumbling.
Imagine if all that stuff happened in a place with reasonable cost of living and business friendly atmosphere.
Would probably be 30 years ahead in tech desu if cali was reasonable well run

So where are they moving? Which state is better than California and why is that?

I'm a flyover rural retard but I like pretending to be from California because I get a lot of (you)s from dumbfucks

Urban centres in Texas

They're going to Texas (redneck central).
So yes, they are moving into Cletus' trailer park.

They are still moving out of it retard
Give a better explanation

Nice cope faggot
California is a shithole

Arizona, Utah, Oregon, Montana, Texas, and Florida. May God spare us this cancer.

And why would that be, you think? Which policies made urban centers in Texas preferable to urban centers in California?

It has a high GDP but that doesn't make it a nice place to live. I'm qualified to work at many of the big companies there but I choose to remain in AZ because I like it better here

Economic freedom

California’s has a housing shortage that’s been building for over years
It’s the cause of 90% of their problems, from high rates of homeless to increasing poverty and inequality to skyrocketing rent
Most of the people moving out of California do so because they can’t afford to live in California, because the state has basically refused to build new housing for decades leading to a massive shortage

I always figured Alabama would be the shittiest state in the US.
>Heart of the "black belt"
>low IQ
>Leaks into other states (Florida)
>White trash

Everybody knows the deep south is objectively speaking the shittiest part of the country. They weren't blessed with an entire coastline of ports facing Asian markets, silicon valley, and year round 70 degree weather. California as a freedom loving state was bursting at the seams with economic growth and inflows of people from all over. California as a crony nanny interventionist state is rotting and unlivable.

It's actually a remarkable feat to turn a state like California which is naturally desirable in so many ways, into a place that average people simply can't survive or enjoy themselves in.

>have highest population
>have highest gdp

Texas has low taxes and is less overpopulated so the cost of living is much lower.